in #science6 years ago

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Our body is internally seawater. We are isotonic sea water and in this marine environment, our millions of cells swim and develop. Our capillaries or our nerve endings do not contact directly with our cells, Alfred Pischinger, doctor, histologist and embryologist, father of the histochemistry, defined as extracellular tissue fluid, where the exchange and passage of oxygen, energy and nerve transmissions takes place , which is nothing but isotonic sea water.
"Nowhere is an immediate and direct contact between organic cells with capillaries or terminal vegetative nerve fibers. That means that each stimulus and each metabolic process between the specialized organic cells on the one hand, and capillaries and terminal nerve fibers on the other, have to be carried out through the extracellular tissue fluid, in such a way that each reaction of type nerval, hormonal, vascular or immunological depends on the mediating function of the basic system, if the specific organic cells should be reached. This structure of such simple appearance is extraordinarily complicated when, by irritative stimuli, its biopotential is modified, for example the Ph. It is then that the reticulocytes are transformed that, as undifferentiated cells, are still totipotential, in diverse clearly differentiated cellular forms and we all know that the various external forms they adopt also correspond to various defensive duties "(Alfred Pischinger, physician, histologist and embryologist).
According to Alfred Pischinger, the basic system transfuses all integral organism, from the head to the tip of the toes, with the exception of the most superficial epithelial layers of the skin and mucosa. It is therefore the only ubiquitous body tissue and, at the same time, the only organic system that remains in immediate contact with all organic cells.
Knowing that we are 70% seawater and that this seawater is the extracellular means of oxygen exchange and nervous stimulation, responsible for our defenses, it is consistent to affirm that the consumption of seawater renews and purifies our basic system, recharging it with electrolytes and providing an alkaline pH.

At the beginning of the century injections of isotonic sea water were applied at a rate of 100,000 per year in Paris and 150,000 in the dispensary of Lyon. Several doctors were interested in using this new therapy and over time, the North American Homeopathic Society and the Egyptian government, in whose capital, Cairo, eradicated a cholera epidemic that was claiming the lives of 700 children, requested their services. Using seawater managed to save this country from a terrible disease. Thanks to this Quinton achieves worldwide recognition.
By 1914, eight doctoral and original theses had been submitted only in France on marine serum. On the eve of the First World War (1914-1918) the French Ministry of the Interior intended to intervene so that seawater injections were compulsory at school time, in the same way as the smallpox vaccine, but the war came and with it the forgetfulness that was taken advantage of by the detractors of Quinton who could not assume the fact that he healed without being a doctor or a qualified scientist. The open dispensaries were progressively disappearing.
The French Academy of Sciences did not hesitate to affirm that, after Darwin, nobody but Quinton had made such important contributions in the field of biology.
Seawater has healing power because it provides a hydroelectrolytic recharge to the body, rebalances the enzymatic function, promotes cell regeneration and provides a correct cellular homeostasis (cellular electrolyte balance with its environment - Pischinger system - controlling temperature and pH) .
During the First World War, the French army used seawater to compensate for the loss of blood of the wounded in combat. Quinton showed experimentally that white blood cells survive perfectly in seawater, which to date, has not been possible to achieve in any other type of medium, including the artificial serum that has been used in our hospitals and that basically consists of water and sodium chloride. All this scientific evidence shows that seawater, which contains the 118 elements of the periodic table, is more effective than chemical serum from the powerful pharmaceutical industry.
Seawater and Drug Addictions: "Venezuelan scientist María Luisa Di Bernardo, coordinator of the multidisciplinary group of researchers in analytical toxicology and pharmacological studies (Gitaef) of the University of Los Andes, in Mérida, said that in a study applied in 300 mice experimental mice that share 95% of genetic pairs with humans, were given psychotropic substances for three months to later supply them with seawater for rehabilitation. This showed that the damages in the organism caused by the referred substances were significantly reversed "
He asserted that isotonic sea water not only has all the elements of the periodic chemical table, but also has phytoplankton and zooplankton (plant and animal microorganisms) that give it great anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antibiotic properties proven by other researchers worldwide.
He stressed that the physiological identity of isotonic marine water is similar to our blood plasma and human cellular fluids, hence the benefits of this natural resource are being used by doctors in Nueva Esparta state as complementary therapy to restore the immune system, decrease anxiety, depression and treat patients with neurodegenerative pathologies such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other products of the senile stage.
"In another study we realized that isotonic sea water decreases the hormone cortisol that is released by stress, and I can say with responsibility that by supplying marine water rich in lithium and magnesium reduced the presence of this hormone. It also activates serotonin, which is the hormone of happiness, and improves communication between neurons. " He reported that other mice were reduced levels of minerals, proteins and carbohydrates, to reach a state of malnutrition; then they were supplied with seawater and its effectiveness and efficacy were demonstrated in restoring the haematological parameters of hemoglobin, hematocrit, neurotropic and exophylic, as well as the biochemicals where creatinine, urea and transaminase are found, characteristics of a healthy person.

• Seawater has a pH of 8.4 so it alkalizes our internal environment or basic system, where they live, as if it were an aquarium, our 100 trillion cells, whose water quality depends on all their functions, as explained in section No. 1.

• Seawater is the best preventive medicine. A pH balanced alkaline is between 7.37 and 7.47. If it is lower than 7.37, it can be considered an acid pH, which increases the free radicals that are hydrogen ion or hydrogen ion (H +), responsible for cell aging, inflammation, associated pain and disease. Seawater provides oxhydrils or antioxidants (OH-) that neutralize free radicals, eliminating organic acidosis and restoring alkalinity. Two OH- ions form a water molecule (H2O), releasing one oxygen atom in each reaction, oxygen necessary to maintain the alkaline pH and a constant temperature of 36.5 ºC, conditions that maintain cellular health and, consequently, that of the whole organism.

• Seawater is detoxifying. A sick person is a dehydrated person. The simple intake of a larger amount of fresh water, which is alkaline, may be enough to alleviate a disease. When we rehydrate the body with seawater (alkaline pH of 8.4), free radicals are neutralized as we have seen and are dragged to our filters: lungs, liver and kidneys and excreted through sweat, urine and feces , detoxifying the organism.