Searching The Consciousness Particle

in #science7 years ago

Guys I am starting a new approach here. Every week usually on Friday or Saturday I will choose something and I am going to search about something interesting and unusual and I am going to make posts about that particular topic the entire week or so I will discard the already know points and will try to write about something new and refreshing. This week I chose "The Consciousness Particle" let's see where this lead us to.


Light travels with a speed of 299 792 458 meter/second that is 299,792.458 km/second or 186,282.397 miles/second. It has been established many times since "the original experiment" know by the name "Fizeau's Experiment" and many other experiments performed by numerous scientists over the years. The most basic particle of light is know as photon and it is believed that light possesses the property of both wave and particle, we have several theories to back this.

It is believed that in this Universe nothing can travel faster than light except for thoughts and consciousness. I have been chasing such questions for quite sometime now. Questions such as what is consciousness in terms of physicality? If it has a shape and size like rest other physical matter, if not then what it might be, what might be the basic particle of the consciousness? I mean everything that exists in this world has some basic structure for example, water has molecules , metals are consist of atoms, body has cells. For sometime I thought I got the answer, I thought consciousness comes from a brain and brain has neurons so shouldn't it be neurons? Then I debunked my own theory since brain and mind are two different things.

Everybody knows consciousness exists and I kind of see everything like the way Linux operating system sees everything. Linux kernel sees everything as a file, be it process be it data be it anything. To those people who doesn't have a computer background, I believe everything that exists in this world exists for some reason and all the things that exists has some sort of form be it a thought or an imagination because everybody can relate to them, they have to have some form.

Now one might say "What the fuck are you talking about man? GTFO ain't nobody got time for this kind of Bullshit". To such gentle men I just have to say homie lemme explain. See you exist you have two hands 3 legs I mean 2, 1-2 eyes a brain but that's just your body like when you talk with somebody who you are at that moment? I mean of course your body stays but don't you think you just become consciousness and forget about your physical form? That's what I am talking about what is that thing? Now, ancient people knew about that thing some called it chi other called it prana people also calls it soul, spirit, etc and they even had some insight on this matter that we people of today know nothing about. I am going to spend sometime on this topic in the coming week, let's see where it will lead me.

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