What Does Earth Really Look Like? - NASA's Photoshopped Pictures!

in #science6 years ago

What Does Earth Really Look Like?
NASA's Photoshopped Pictures!

It is a known fact by now that NASA photoshops their photographs of Earth. This has been admitted by Robert Simmon, NASA's graphic designer. You can listen to the original audio here.

Here are a few of NASA's photographs of Earth from over the years:


An official photograph of Earth, taken by NASA in 2002.

Image Source


An official photograph of Earth, taken by NASA in 2012.

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An official photograph of Earth, taken by NASA in 2015.

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Notice anything strange about these pictures? The size of The United States tends to change with time and is drastically different in each picture. How does this happen? Is NASA fooling us? Do people actually believe them?

Here is another thing that NASA thought we would not notice, but we did:

A zoomed in analysis of NASA's 2002 'Blue Marble':


Image Source

So NASA creates these images of clouds, copies and pastes them all around the globe, and then they release it as an 'official' photograph of the planet we live on? How is this possible, assuming these are real pictures? Something is really not adding up.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my article! So what do you think, what does the Earth really look like?


Nice click

Wow! Another proof that it's good to question first before believing things blindly. :o

True! In this time and age, it is vital to do research on everything you hear/see. Information is being manipulated. We are drowning in propaganda.

maybe the difference from today and 50 years ago is that, NOW we have the power to easily access information, whereas 50 years ago it was much, much harder..

True, but still, be it now or then, blindly believing the information given to you by the media is a fooliah move. Question everything.

Yes, I agree with you!

Another perfect example of why we need to eventually stop feeding the beast with our tax dollars.

Spot on! Educating people to do research is the first step, then from there we can stop their plan from coming into fruition by refusing to play their games.

The 1st image, second image and 4th image are all renderings of the earth from low earth satellites that cannot see all of the earth a once. It is thousands of images stitched together. That is why they had to photoshop the coulds; it would look worse without it. The 3rd image you notice had no photoshopped anything's, has the correct size of the continents, and is a different color. This is because the 3rd image is the first "full" image of the earth since the Apollo moon landings.