There is scientific evidence explaining the division of the Red Sea into the exodus.
And he came to stand between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel; And the cloud was with the darkness; Yet at night he shone on Israel, and they did not approach each other all night.
21 Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; And the LORD, by means of a strong wind, which blew all night, caused the sea to retreat; And the sea changed in dry land, and the waters were divided.
22 And the children of Israel went in the midst of the sea in the dry: and the waters were as a wall to their right and to their left.
There is scientific evidence for a 3.000 year history that we saw in the movies, we read in books or even told us our grandpathers.
Researchers show that the descriptive account of the exodus on the division of the waters of the Red Sea is based on laws of physics. The researchers focused their search on an area in the east of the Nile Delta, an archaeological site called Tell Kedua, on the Mediterranean coast north of the Suez Canal. It is believed that a branch of the Nile and a coastal lagoon joined. They used satellite imagery to shape a model of the site and modified it to simulate as it was hypothetically 3.000 years ago, filled it with water and blowing wind from the east
The simulation resulted in what could have pushed the waters was a wind blowing at 101 km / h for 12 hours, it is estimated that the waters would have 2 m depth. Creating a dry walk about 3 km long by 4.5 km wide would remain that way for about four hours, long enough for the Israelites to pass through.
To conclude, the scientific evidence does not show us that in the event of the separation of waters there has not existed a supernatural act. Scientific evidence shows us the "how" happened, and religion explains the "why" happened. Religion explains why this phenomenon just happened at the precise moment when it was needed, since it only occurs every thousand years. I think the laws of physics show us that these kinds of events are possible, and just as scientists come up with the idea that the supernatural does not exist, the opposite idea should also be posed, doubting both parties not only makes us people Open-minded also brings us closer to the knowledge of truth.
Thanks for reading my post, I hope you liked it. Give me an upvote so I can continue with these topics in my blog. See you in the next post :)
Very interesting article. Well done.
Very interesting post. I have read some other articles in the past about this topic.

..Is English your native tongue?
it is Spanish. I do not speak English perfectly
Okay. Maybe somebody should develop some free English lessons for the Spanish speaking community of this platform, and vice versa. :)
very much evidence plz.
moses i conclude that a mudflat will be ok for a migration of people to happen within 4 hours, because the faith