Conferences are boring? The view of someone who can't bear it.
Hello my lovely followers and all the other people checking out my blog,
am I the only person totally bored by conferences all day long? I'm sitting in one right now. It's Sunday afternoon. I probably drank like 1 too 2 liters of coffee. And ate a handful of crackers.
Do you know this coffee that's already 3 hours kept hot and tastes awful. But without it there's no way to survive those days.
There are a couple of rules for this scientific conferences:
- Always exceed your speaking time
- Start a discussion that doesn't end and nobody can follow it, because it's too specific
- Awful coffee
- Crackers
- Great weather outside and you're stuck
I love that.
Have a nice Sunday,
Pic taken from:
You could try green tea. Huge amount of caffeine and it's still alright after being kept hot for hours. Of course, that doesn't solve the other problems...
Thanks mate, I once had a little bit too much of green tea and it kept me awake all night.