This happened in Iceland during flight in during a thunderstorm. The plane landed safely afterwards and there was no injury in passengers except some very rattled nerves cause of the electrifying experience.
Incidents like this is usually common but thankfully are rarely fatal. This is due to protection offered to aircraft via the principle of the faradays cage effect.
In a not so expact detailing, the faraway cage effect effectively shields an an enclosure from electromagnetic fields and it's inference. It works by distributing all charge uniformly across surface of conductive mesh wrapped enclosure.
So during an event of a thunder strike,all charges 're uniformly distributed along the aircraft's surface effectively reducing its destructive potential to the nearest minimum. Hence aircraft electronics and avionics are not hampered with, interfered or severed in a senerio your plane happens to get struck.
Hence ..when next you are on a plane and u see the plane playing flappy bird amongst the thunder bolt, don't be alarmed cause you got many other life's left and it isnt game over if you are lucky enough to get hit with million volt bolt.
Thank you.