The origin of the theory of reptilians and what they want from us

in #science6 years ago

Have you heard about reptilians? These strange and spooky beings are really famous within popular culture because there are many people who say they are real.

As far as I could find out, the existence of this species would have been popularized by David Icke, a theorist with a lot of imagination who developed several conspiracy theories about it.

They come from the draconian civilization

The constellation of the dragon (the draconian constellation) is a constellation observable from the northern hemisphere that apparently has the form of a dragon.

As noted by several specialists in reptilians, the origin of the species would be in this distant constellation, where supposedly inhabit several unknown civilizations.

There are also those who have pointed out that they were the first intelligent beings to inhabit our planet, being the artificers of humanity and becoming our oldest ancestors, having formed the first non-human pre-human civilizations.

The extraterrestrial Belatriciana race has been described by specialists as a race of beings with bodies similar to reptiles that also have in their skin some phosphorescent glows of orange, green or yellow.

So far it has not been able to prove its existence, but in the United States there are dozens if not hundreds of complaints every year where people claim to have met them, although in the rest of the world this phenomenon is practically non-existent.

Bureaucracy is not a human invention! It seems that the reptilians want to be part of the Galactic Federation, but so far they can not find a way to do it.

I wonder if your plan on Earth is to make us part of the federation, too. Will we make a free trade contract with Planet Melmac? Will there be any kind of Donald Trump in the other galaxies? For the sake of the cosmic neighborhood I hope the answer to this last question is NO.

Domesticated the dinosaurs

There are several rumors that indicate that the superior minds of these advanced beings are able to control the most affable animals on the planet, such as dogs today or the best friend of the prehuman alien species of the past, which was the dinosaur.

Have you ever had a dinosaur as a pet? If your answer is affirmative you are part of the reptilians or you must stop using hallucinogenic mushrooms. On the other hand, perhaps we are facing the definitive answer about its extinction, because in the same way in which the domesticated they could choose to get rid of them.

They live in the center of the Earth, which is actually flat and hollow

The flat Earth is quite strange, but there are still many people who believe that our planet has that shape and have several proofs, even if they are of dubious truth.

The strangest thing about these theories, apart from the change in the paradigm of astrophysics and geology, is that it is believed that there exists within the center of the plate in which we live a hole where the reptilians have developed all their advanced civilization, replete with technologies that we do not know from where they carry out their macabre plans.

Although the story of that medium who communicates with them sounds convincing - I hope I do not have to clarify that I do not mean it - many people have pointed out that in reality they do not need to communicate in special ways because they are part of us, adopting human ways to disguise that they are different.

I do not know if they can read our minds - for the sake of my mental health I hope not - but we should have our eyes wide open: you never know, but the person next to you at this moment could be a draconian, and you might even know in what you are thinking.

They want to establish a new world order

Beyond having put to power public figures such as Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump - that explains everything - the intention of the reptilians is to create a new world order, although they have not made clear what their intentions are.

While there are those who believe that they only seek to establish calm and peace in the universe, through the development of renewable energies and the use of natural resources in a sustainable way, having put Donald Trump in power seems to go through a whole line different.

Perhaps the plans of these reptilians are too complex to be understood by a simple and basically human mind with such a limited view of the facts, although I would like to have an explanation.

I wonder if Latin American presidents have also come to power through mechanisms of massive reptilian mental manipulation. Could it be that Macri and Peña Nieto are part of this new conspiracy theory?

What do you think about it? Do you think that reptilians are real or will not be a myth or true? What are they supposedly trying to do with our planet?