Earth Could Be Crushed to The Size of a Soccer Field by Particle Accelerator Experiments, Says Astronomer

in #science6 years ago

Martin Rees, a very much regarded British cosmologist, put forth truly striking expression toward the end of last year with regards to molecule quickening agents: there's a little, however genuine plausibility of debacle.

Molecule quickening agents, similar to the Large Hadron Collider, shoot particles at extraordinarily high speeds, crush them together, and watch the aftermath.

These fast impacts have helped us find loads of new particles, yet as indicated by Rees, this isn't without its dangers.

In his 2018 book, approached The Future: Prospects for Humanity, he gives some quite somber viewpoints.

"Possibly a dark opening could frame, and after that suck in everything around it," he composes, as Sarah Knapton revealed over at the Telegraph. "The second terrifying plausibility is that the quarks would reassemble themselves into packed articles called strangelets."

"That in itself would be innocuous. Anyway under a few speculations a strangelet could, by infection, convert whatever else it experiences into another type of issue, changing the whole earth in a hyperdense circle around one hundred meters over."

That is roughly 330 feet, or around the length of a soccer field.

What's more, that is not all. The third way that molecule quickening agents could wreck the Earth, as indicated by Reese, is by a "fiasco that inundates space itself".

"Void space - what physicists call the vacuum - is something beyond nothingness. It is the field for everything that occurs. It has, idle in it, every one of the powers and particles that oversee the physical world. The present vacuum could be delicate and shaky."


Gee..something else to worry about.
That'd be a quark of a different color, spin and flavor wouldn't it?