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RE: One great idea to follow another. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

in #science7 years ago

Very true - none of these so called problems exist in UK and Europe where carp fishing is a multi billion pound industry. i also have several underwater carp fishing dvd's and have studied the cyprinid's for over 25 years - These people are lying and talking crap - i would not be surprised if people die as a result of the waterways becoming toxic after the event.


Well, they sure as hell would not want to drink or swim in any of our rivers for a long time after the fact. As for recreational angling, kiss the industry goodbye. Every one seems to have this fantasy that get rid of the carp and the natives will suddenly and magically return, fit and full of fight. What they are neglecting to take into account is the many years the re-stocked fish will require to grow to a reasonable size. And I sure as hell would not eat a fish of any description from waterways this virus is present in.