Top 10 Reasons the Universe is Electric: #2 Filaments in Space

in #science7 years ago

The second video installation in a series of ten videos that I'm reposting from the Thunderbolts project. This video deals with the filamentary structures observed in space, of which, the electrical nature cannot be ignored.

As the evidence continues to mount against the gravity centric standard model of cosmology; the evidence of filamentary structures in space, will be one of the many death blows to our current, "electrically sterile", myopic view of the cosmos. From the suns penumbra filaments, to filamentary plumes on the moon IO, and long filaments stretching thousands of lightyears in length through nebula clouds; these structures, show strong evidence that electricity plays a major role in our cosmology.

Inorder to understand the ideas put forward by the Electric Universe community, one has to put aside the notion of a complete vacuum in space. This is not the case at all; to the contrary, space is filled with plasma. Plasma is key in understanding how electric currents are conducting through the vastness of space. It is through this Plasma medium, in which huge electric currents flow, powering all stars and galaxies. It is the filamentary nature of electric currents flowing through a plasma, tested here on Earth in experimental labs, as well as in your basic novelty plasma ball, which match the structures scientists see in space.

The proposed electric filamentary structures have more merit based on the observable and experimental evidence in plasma physics; then by official explanations like: "turbulent motions of interstellar gas and dust create an intricate web of filamentary structures". This is not sufficient, especially, when dealing with filamentary structures lightyears in length which have a universal width about them.

I urge all to watch the video and weigh the evidence for your self.