The convergence of the directions of natural-science and social-humanitarian knowledge-4

in #science6 years ago

Interaction of biology, chemistry, physics as fundamental natural disciplines

The totality of all knowledge of the surrounding nature consists not only of individual experimental facts about natural phenomena that have been accumulated by mankind at a certain point in time, but also, being creatively meaningful scientists, they appear in the form of observed regularities or laws formulated in interrelated numerous scientific theories, concepts, hypotheses , revealing the hidden inner essence of externally observed natural phenomena. The formation of statistically significant, stable and repeating laws, as well as the disclosure of the essence of observed phenomena, is one of the main goals of any scientific research, expressed in philosophical categories.

The basic law of positivism, proposed by O. Comte (Isidore Marie Auguste François Xavier Comte), was the so-called encyclopedic law, or the law of the hierarchy of sciences, according to which the system of sciences can be represented in the order of increasing complexity and time of appearance in the following way: mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, sociology. It is easy to see that, in accordance with the above law, the top of scientific knowledge, O. Comte considered the science he proposed to be sociology, which currently means a methodologically sound study of the state and structure of society, as well as the internal structural mechanisms of its functioning and development.

When considering the main features of science as one of the most important is called the system-forming function associated with the allocation of regularities in the outwardly random manifestations of the surrounding world. As a matter of fact, we are talking about finding logical connections between various parameters of the processes or objects under study, the formation of a certain system of representations about this world of adequate enough reality.
Similarly, speaking of the structure of science, enumerating its interrelated components, one has to be convinced of the systemic nature of this area of ​​human activity, the systemic principles of organization of scientific research.

Along with the previously discussed different levels of organization of the structure of physical (inanimate) systems, the environment surrounding a person is saturated with a huge variety of biological (live) systems, capable of development and self-reproduction based on biochemical processes. The most important element of this biological world is humanity itself, which in many respects determines the destiny of not only an intelligent civilization, but also the planet Earth as a whole.

The considered concepts of the emergence of life, with all their individual greater or lesser attractiveness for each individual, nevertheless allow us to single out, as the leading and to date the most scientifically grounded concept of evolutionism.

To be continued


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