Don't Just Rely On The Science Of Mind If The Science Of The Heart Is More Powerful
Many people strongly believe that thinking power can lead people to succeed in achieving their goals. Undoubtedly, if the power of thought can lead people to success in achieving their goals. Those who can direct their thoughts will always be in a positive direction, then it is believed that the result is something positive as well.

However, as people who have faith in God, must realize that not only rely on brain power, not just rely on the mind and the power of the mind alone. Because there are other forces that are stronger than brain power, mind and mind. This power not only brings people to success, but also is able to bring people to glory in life. Do you know? Namely the power of a positive heart, the power of a clear heart. The power of the heart has power beyond the human mind. Because the heart is the King, this is the heart that governs and commands the brain, the mind and the human senses.
Humans are taught to keep the clarity of their hearts, so that the noble nature embedded in the heart can spread to the surface. Because in the human heart has embedded good nature. Among the noble traits embedded in the heart, man also has the nature of caring, patience, togetherness, love and affection, gratitude, sincerity, peace, wisdom, spirit, and so forth. Therefore, the power of the heart is very strong to achieve success and glory in all spheres of life.

The heart is the center of peace, peace, health, and true happiness. Even the heart is a reflection of the self and the life of man as a whole. Inside the heart there are sources of physical health, mental strength, emotional intelligence, and guidance for humans in achieving spiritual progress. The heart becomes the place where the noble qualities are. The heart is the place where everything is the loveliest, the best, the purest, and the purest in it.
Thus, the power of the heart is very strong and leads people to success, and glory in all areas of life. The clear heart will give birth to a clear mind and ultimately give birth to noble actions based on conscience. Clarity of the heart can make people able to act wisely, have a positive spirit, intelligent and various other noble qualities.
With a clear heart, we can think clearly and live a more productive, more vibrant, more efficient and more effective life to achieve goals.
The heart is the key to relationships with fellow human beings. Relationships based on clarity of the heart can make a healthier, better and constructive relationship with anyone. Because a relationship based on clarity of heart will promote love, honesty, togetherness and mutual respect. Relationships with humans will be fun, bringing peace and happiness. Thus will more and more people who will provide support for our success.

In achieving success should not just rely on brain power alone. Because the brain or mind is something limited and temporary. Try to use the power of conscience, using the power of clarity with a balanced heart.
Use positive heart strength, because it is a true self. By continuing to use the power of the heart, listening to the conscience, will bring people to live in peace and happiness. If one can feel the peace of heart and happiness of the heart, it will have a life full of success and glory.
However, various temptations of modern life can often contaminate the clarity of the heart. Selfishness, caring about lust, following the ambition to gain power by justifying all negative ways and emotions such as anger, resentment, hatred and jealousy can make the clarity of the heart shackled, the Heart bound by clear light. can not radiate to the surface. This is what can weaken the spiritual life of mankind.

If left unchecked, it can make it harder for us to listen to our hearts and to trust them, or to rely on our brains and minds, or our intellectual products. This will create an imbalance between the ability of reason and conscience, resulting in many problems in life.
Make your conscience a guide in every step of your life. Try to keep the clarity of the heart, so that the grace and blessings of God will always flow and give the most beautiful for our heart, our feelings and our whole selves.
That is all from me.
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