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RE: The Existence of Satellites is a Fraud and a Hoax? Here's 5 Ways You Can Know For Sure

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Why do you spend so much time debunking these ridiculous theories?
It's like spending hours explaining why santa klaus doesn't exist, I mean you never see people doing this..
Responding to these claims in such detailed fashion gives conspiracy theories more weight than they deserve, so probably not the desired outcome..


Oh I don't know.

Threre's a lot of potential to educate oneself.

To debunk something requires knowledge and specifics and the ability to articulate stuff.

One might know the flat earth stuff is retarded but can one (you?) debunk it with actual scientific argument and specifics? I sure couldn't before I started. I realized that I knew it was retarded but couldn't actually articulate WHY, other than 'that's retarded'.

Knowing it's dumb, and being able to articulate why, are two very different things. It's been very educational learning WHY the flat earth arguments are, well, retarded (I think that's the best descriptor for them).

That's definitely one of the thoughts and is a valid complaint. However, there is very little good information out there countering this with easily accessible information that plays by 'their' rules that you have to be able to see things yourself or be able to do the experiments yourself to prove it.

This movement is growing , and is growing particularly in developing world countries like Indonesia and some African countries. Providing a counterpoint could at least keep some of those 'on the fence' from going over into complete cult mentality... or maybe it won't. I don't know.

I definitely hear where you are coming from and don't necessarily disagree. But it's what I'm into at the moment, and if anyone could show I was doing more harm than good, I'd stop doing it, but I'd like to believe I'm doing more good than harm.

I learn a lot about the earth doing this, and I try to make it educational for everyone as well. Like, how many people know you can do star trails of geostationary satellites or get an app to track the ISS?