Masses Can Easily Be Manipulated , "Water is Dangerous" Experiment

in #science7 years ago

This experiment is a perfect proof of How easily you can manipulate the masses eventhough they know the fact. In the experiment which is done in 1980's ignorance leads people to make a choice about false information.


Well "Water is Dangerous" experiment was a simple one done by an American Highschool student named Nathan Zohner. Basicly he wanted to ban Dihidrojen Monoxide known as water in the public. Even a website opened for the cause and they listed the harms of the water to the people.

You Can Check Website From Here

Well there is also a champaign to ban this really dangerous material. Eventhough the accusations were really absurd the data gathered from this experiment is really shocking for me.

The Result

Before I show you the results I want to mention some harms of the water

  • May cause intense sweating and vomiting.

  • It is the main element of acid rain that causes great damage to nature.

  • Gaseous state can cause some serious burns.

  • Accidental inhalation causes lungs to die, leading to death.

  • It causes Erosion

  • It reduces the affectiveness of car breakes

  • It found in all of the deadly cancer tumors

Well in only 1 hour 50 science fair enthusiast checked the stand about Dihydrogen Monoxide 43 person supported the ban request of water and 6 peeople were undecided about the topic. However there was only 1 guy saying that Hydrogen Monoxide is the artery of life and it is water.

Well obviously this young guy was succesfull and he wanted to demonstrate how people could be wrongly conditioned by simple, divergent, ridiculous scientific phrases.

Manipulating Pshychology of Societies

Well even though the main purpose of the experiment was the fool people with scientific phrases I strongly beleive that there is more behind this experiment. Social psychology or mass subconscious is a configurable concept, just like individual psychology. The shaping of the social mood and subconscious, as in human psychology, is built by the influence of various environmental factors and personal characteristics.

Well solving the psychological infrastructure of the society and finding its perceptual weaknesses and massive characteristics and Exploration of the emotional boundries and the peak points of the societies is definelty a key factor in controlling the masses.

There used to be a lot of unethical experiments about social studies and pshycology but I strongly beleive that there is still some going on behind the hidden doors.


Image Source : 1

Thanks For Reading & Hasta La Vista


Sadly, this happens on all levels... There was a similar "experiment" done with a peer reviewed academic journal wherein a professor submitted a completely bogus article which passed peer review (meaning, 2-3 other experts in his field "read" and approved it) and got published. This is one example and the above proposed ban on Dihidrojen Monoxide is another... Imagine all of the ones we never hear about... All of the flawed research that informs policy, behavior, and ideologies.

Well most of the time I don't trust the integrity of academic journals too . We just need to be professional text readers and evaluate what is real or not according to our intellectual limits.

Yes, but many people don't even possess the self-confidence to trust their own judgement which is why so many defer to authority instead. I guess that could also be a symptom of laziness. It's a shame, either way.

And the problems with academic journals are just as alarming... Once you realize how the sausage is made, in it's current state. Right now scholarship and how it is done requires mass reform if it doesn't want to push itself into obsolescence.

When you think about it, dihydrogen monoxide has been a major killer of humans throughout history. I mean, just look at the Bible. Very dangerous. Ban it! Better safe than sorry.

WOW this is soo effed-up... How did they not talk about DHMO being the chemical so dangerous that it decays metals and creates rust...

It is so unfortunate that the techniques used in this experiment are the same ones used to manipulate the public every day. This is a good illustration of the importance of taking control of one's own education and developing the habit of questioning.

People believe whatever they're told and fear whatever they don't understand.

Yeah it is same for centuries !

there is noothing about your steam with great story

Nice man! I have never heard about that experiment and it’s a perfect fit for my bachelors work! Thanks for that.

What is your bachelors work man I'm familiar to social studies too ! Sadly there aren't much data about this one it is just a highschool boy experiment to proove some point

I study Information science and the topic is Information overflow (easily put why are people unable to distinguish between fake information and valid information, or why they cannot choose effectively which information will they absorb during the day). I will try to come up with potential methods how to become more effective in handling the incoming information.

Well with the development of the internet the information we face daily is coming to absurd levels and I completely agree with you potential methods to avoid this can be really beneficial

Yes you are right that internet plays major role in the information overflow, but there are more factors. Well it can be beneficial, the real question though is whether I’ll be able to come up with anything valid:D

Ban Molecular Oxygen! Once it gets in your body, it allows cancer tumor cells to flourish! It corrodes metal! It reacts with other chemicals and causes fires! It can kill you in high enough concentrations!

Thanks for the information sir.

yeah, i know this story :D it shows that people prefer to be demanding and panicking even if they don't understand what for and why))
it's very sad really :(