The Hibernation Mystery | Is there any benefit to technology?

On this earth, we (humans) are not alone, the earth has a variety of living things that have nothing in common with us, in some of their habits and advantages.
pic: internapcdn
Animals can survive, and maybe their age will be longer than humans, and some research has revealed the mysteries that exist in animals to survive through hibernation.
Hibernation, as we know is a long sleep period to save energy. Hibernation intends to slow down body and respiratory growth, as well as temperature. And what is more visible is rate of decline the heartbeat and metabolism.
Bear Hibernation Capability
The animals that are known to be hibernating are bears, in my opinion it makes sense, because in winter and the environmental conditions there are difficult, there will be no food available, because there are no living plants.
So, hibernation is the only way to save it, and this is presented by the Creator of Life to the bear. Research has shown that black bears will spend between 5 and 7 months without eating, drinking or urinating.
Besides bears, there are still 9 other types of animals, which also have the ability to do hibernation, including:
- Bat
- Box turtles
- Bee
- Tree frog
- Hedgehog/Porcupine
- Garter snake
- Ground squirrel
- Snail
- Common Poorwill
Is Human Hibernation Possible?
If you want to imitate the bear's way, then our desire to hibernate is to avoid extreme cold weather. For now, we don't have this ability, because the human heart won't beat when the weather is very cold.
Well, what if there is a technology tool that we can use as a medium for hibernation?
In this case, from several sources I read. Scientists have suggested to NASA about the hibernation of astronauts. It was intended to save costs for flying to Mars. Scientists propose that they do hibernation, while flying for 180 days to Mars.
The astronauts will not need food and drinks as long as they are in hibernation mode, because the journey takes a long time with the distance of tens of millions of miles from the earth. The astronauts will be revived to carry out the mission without fatigue, and of course when they reach Mars.
But until now it's all still in a theory. Because if the hibernation test is successful, then NASA can make smaller aircraft. The load carried will also be lighter.
Steemians, how do you think about hibernation? Because so far we really need it for some needs that are still not owned by humans and there are still many mysteries. If you have an opinion, please comment.
If it's safe and wasn't a horrible experience I wouldn't mind the idea. I'm highly skeptical that the technology would meet either one of those conditions. To sleep for so many days in a row; I wonder if that would feel like being trapped in a dream world, trying to make sense of things, maybe losing touch with reality as you once knew it. Most of us only experience a certain amount of rem sleep per night. I wonder what happens if you get an overabundance of it, or if people in hibernation will dream at all?
I also have the same question as you. But, that could have been answered, because in this world there have been a small number of people who have that experience, even though they don't need technology. For example, people have been in a coma for years after an accident. Maybe their situation when in long sleep will be the same as hibernation.
I see that you ( @steemvest17 ) like scientific delusion.
science fiction... Hana jeulah dum lom
I'm not saying that humans can hibernate as well as bears, but was there not like ice ages in the past, and did humans not survive them like beavers in the winters? Do we need to hibernate or do we hibernate enough already when we sleep?