Science is Religion

in #science8 years ago

Hello all, thechurch here from The Church Of Nothing trying to help to illuminate some minds if possible. Todays topic, science is religion.

I will not bore you all with the arguments about beliefs ect... this is actually more about how reality truly works. I feel many people have been duped into believing in a false reality, one being promoted for control so that people are not able to see or recognize what is real, with this promoted reality being one correlated to the physical religion of science, or the religion without a god.

Why do i say science is a religion? It has to do with physics and the nature of reality. In physics one will eventually have to confront the problem that both special relativity, or point to point understanding, is true, and also quantum mechanics reality or wave reality, is also true, yet they are opposites. In one example everything is set as a single point of reference and at one place, and with the other things are in multiple places at one time. Both of these understandings about reality are correct and can be measured by the two box slit experiment. If a atom is sent randomly into two boxes and then the boxes are looked into to see which box has the ball and then they are fired out onto a wall the resulting dot will show that it came out of one box. Do the same experiment but this time do not observe the atom before shooting it out of the boxes and the atom or ball will be found to be in the center of the two boxes. This shows that both theories are correct for understanding reality but that it all depends on observation points as to what creation reality will be. So in essence observation makes creation, nothing exists until it is measured.

When this concept is understood it can also be understood that science and its continual measurments are in fact never ending and continual due to observations or measurements that are creating themselves. So science is more like a religion than not and discoveries will keep being made or will keep seeming to be found due to the observaional power that the believers of science give to the religion to cause its evolution. Science is more of a physical religion but make no doubt, if one looks hard enough or measures something enough it will eventually be created. This makes all truths true to a certain degree or makes all truths possible. This is also why Einstein is known to have said that he did not know if space was expanding or if he caused it to expand by measuring it.

Do we live in a hologram? In a sense yes, but it is a very fluid yin yang hologram to which everyone votes on what is the standard reality. Reality is an agreed upon perspective, it can be changed. Not to mention the concept of technological signifigance, which is the secret human super power. The tools which we choose to concentrate on become the tools which are the most useful to us, like how tarot card readers get better with more practice. This is because they give observational power to that tool and thereby create the evolution of that tool from their own perspective and therefore over time the tool becomes more accurate when used.

For all the techy type of people the easiest way to understand how reality works is to look at apex coding but instead of looking at the end user and the developer user veiw them as observation and creation, or better yet left brain linear thought and right brain creative thought, relativity and quantum mechanics. The human brain perceives reality in code form to where both interpret reality based on stored codes. As long as the code agrees with reality it can be true. So why cant people create reality right in front of them from thought? It is because we are dominant linear thinking brains right now or left brain thinkers, not right brain creators, about 85% to 15% id say. If one wants to create their reality to observe they must activate right brain thinking to a higher percentage than left. This brings up psychedelics ect... as it is known that many important discoveries were made by those under the influence of LSD. The discovery of DNA was made by a person on LSD, Cricke i think was the mans name, and i think Steve Jobs was known to use LSD as well to gain more insight into the problems at hand or rather to activate a stronger percentage of creator mode ability so they could create what they were observing to be true. They developed a code that followed realities truths, allowed it to pass through the application server or the truth checker and if all was sound it was accepted into data storage so that when back to normal the end user could send a request to be able to use the accepted or created code in reality. So right brain activation is responsible for many creations. Is this from a higher power or from the understanding of observation creation apex brain functioning. I'd say both, as when looking at true reality it is true that opposites are how most everything is understood. It is god and it is not god, i like to call it the godself, a seperate personality that is you but is not you living in a seperate realm (to explain this more i will maybe post more in the future depending as i've cracked the code so to speak, or at least my own code.)

Do not be blinded by science, science is just the opposite spectrum or the physical observation evolving to where its opposite, the mind or spirit, will surely make a comeback again and will then be seen as the new valid science of the time, tis only a matter of time. So to wrap this up science is religion and religion is science, one excludes god one includes god but both are the same essentially but are looking from different vantage points. The point of this is that we are only controlled by what we choose to believe, i for one will be making my own beliefs with a little bit of everything. Make your own religion or science and find your own truth, then and only then will we have true freedom, when no system is better than any other, when all systems are valid and true.

Thank you for your time.


but the biggest religion of all???


Yes group mentality can be a horrible thing indeed, with this tying into to the post above regarding science being a religion. If schools teach science, the religion without a god, but do not teach the religions with a god, they are essentially promoting religion in school which adds to the problem of group mentality and statism, but under the cover of progress. If people would see that they are one and the same they would see that the indoctrination of youth is already occuring at a mandated level. The brainwashing needs to be seen to stop it. I'd rather schools teach the truth rather than a lie for progress that leads to more control and less creation, with the truth being that reality is flexible. What was it called before it was called an ecosystem?The Tao, or more simply balance. Science simply steals, reinvents, and acts like it's something new. String theory has already been discovered by the religions of the northern way, the old runic religions, but it is being repeated like it's something new when it's certainly not, it's just new to the religion of science.