A Steemit Feature Film World Premier... it has a ring to it, doesn't it?!

It was one of those rare days when the planets were in perfect alignment - the day Steemit found me! No luckier could I be!



I love your enthusiasm. When I first got to know what Steemit was about I could see it was the future. It's not perfect, but it lacks most of the downsides of conventional services. I look forward to seeing where you take this and I hope your enthusiasm spreads to others in the industry

Thank you! Steemit will be what we make it! Steemit = doing!

I love this idea! I'd love to chat about this in either steemit.chat or discord, please feel free to DM me.

Will do! Thanks.

I know we can! Not only as a film project but as a life project on its own.
You mean, the film is produced by the community, by the creativity of the crowd, let me put it.
That would have an immense impact on the whole development in entertainment production as a whole.

Thanks and yes. In the script writing stage think of the community as a sounding board - they read along blog for blog as the script moves forward. The screenwriter can accept or reject the ideas put forth. Then when the script is locked down the community will see blog for blog in real time the pre-production, production, post production and the World wide release on Steemit! I need to think more on the methodology and Ned and the boys (Steemit) will need to think about the technical difficulties but... you get the idea.

Let me suggest to make a film on the change itself ...
Let us be the change and create, to start with, a trailer about


Only a short one.
Steady 2 second footages

It certainly does have a nice ring. @alisawonderland was also thinking of doing something like this - you should check out her work it is amazing. Here is her short film "Hate":

Thanks. I followed her.

This is somehow creepy!

Steemit is an exciting place to get involved with. This sounds like an ambitious and fun project -perfect for the Steemit community.

I also believe in the tremendous power that Blockchain technology can offer the world. Especially the STEEM blockchain in particular. It is an opportunity to give a bank to the un-banked as well as a possible income. It also has the power to give a voice to those who dont have one. Not to mention the limitless possibilities for creators. The possibilities truly are mind expanding @brain-rhodes. I am looking forward to hearing more about your ideas collaborating/contributing in anyway I can.

Nicely said! And yes. Keep the comments coming, please.

A mix of almost reality TV of distopian feel, documentary style including the real crowd behind the making of Steem, switching over to a sci-fi utopian style highlighting the potential of what has been conceived in potential on the STEEMIT platform and its family of blockchain related projects!?

With your expertise, the sky and all it stars is the limit! Great idea, thanks. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

I think I get it? So, yes! :)

Yes that's a great vision and I totally concur with your vision @brian-rhodes !! So maybe a film premiere or release of film through steemit platform ! Where the film could be viewable by another account once it has voted or donated the entrance fee to this " steemit cinema "!! Go Brian ! Go Cinema and Go Steemit )

That's an idea! Thanks. Just the type of thoughts we need to explore. Our Trojan horse! Look out La La Land! Ha!

Yeah seems me and you wanna fight the La La Landers too ? ) Yes all is possible here in time I hope !! We do need to pop an awful lot of bubbles around us it would seem ! What better way than by putting it to work on Steemit ?

Yes. Time and patience!

yes well we have been too patient and well....seems times run short, so better get a move on then I think )

it's nice to learn something interesting, thank you for sharing. ;-)) I believe that steemit will become more successful.

Yes! This! Marketing and the Steemit blockchain is something to be very excited about!

It's going to be fun and funny! Ha!