오늘은 와이프의 생일입니다. ^^

in #sct5 years ago

안녕하세요. @zzings입니다.

오늘은 와이프의 생일이었습니다.

최근에, 장모님께서 환갑 잔치에 감동을 받으신 나머지, 와이프에게 집밥을 해준다고 하셔서 오랫만에 처갓집에서 점심부터 저녁까지 먹고 왔네요.

처갓집은 저희집에서 걸어서 5분거리인데, 가족끼리 집에서 식사를 하는 경우는 많지 않아서(거의 가족식사는 외식) 모처럼 반가운 식사였습니다.

결혼을 하고, 형제들끼리 아이도 여럿 키우게 되다보니.. 챙겨야 하는 가족 생일이 많아져서, 7월부터는 거의 매주 가족 행사가 있게 되네요.

가족들끼리 자주 모이는것도 좋지만, 매주 주말을 쉼없이 무언가를 준비해서 하다보니, 이것도 꽤나 피곤하고 신경쓰이는 일입니다. 내년부터는, 행사를 좀 묶어서 진행해야할것 같습니다.

아무튼, 오늘은 가족들이 전부 좋아하는 샤브샤브를 준비해주셔서, 맛있게 먹고 왔습니다.


아무래도 맞벌이인 덕에, 평일은 집밥을 거의 못하고, 주말에도 냉동식품으로 대충 때우다보니, 부모님께서 차려주시는 밥은 맛 이외에도 느껴지는것이 많습니다.

그래서인지, 주말에는 가끔 아기만 데리고 어머니께서 해주시는 밥을 먹으러 본가에 종종 가곤합니다. 참 신기한게, 엄마가 해주는 밥과 몇개 되지도 않는 평범한 반찬은 몇십년을 먹어도 어찌나 그렇게 맛있는지..

오랫만에, 딸아이와 놀이터를 같이 갔는데, 벌써 서서 그네를 타는것을 보고 깜짝 놀랐습니다.

내가 느끼는 시간보다, 훨씬 빠르게 아이는 자라고 있다는 사실에.. 많이 놀랐네요. 제게 적용되는 시간보다, 아기의 시간이 훨씬 빠르게 지나가는 기분입니다.

좋은주말 되세요.



bizventurer gave zzings gifts(10 SCT).

헛 감사합니다

deer3 gave zzings gifts(50 SCT).

어이쿠..이런 감사... ㅋㅋ

생신 축하드립니다!

On steem?

Self proclaimed community watchdogs are actually hacking and stalking people.

This group https://steemit.com/@steemspeak is ran by https://steemit.com/@fyrstikken, They are hacking people that enter this discord server https://discordapp.com/invite/sqxV63P . Once you are hacked they profile you long enough to know all of your activities. They introduce workplace gangstalking visits and bring it to your attention cleverly and discretly so only you get it. They are very covert and tricky with everthing they say and do in this server. Some claim to have worked for or are working with the FBI and the NSA. Mixed with decomisioned traders and coding criminals, Its a scary mix of creepy people and thier intent is to drive you crazy and deplete everything you have ever aquired in life, even your freedom.

My hacking started with them introducing ransomeware that has options, dump my coin or delete my system drive. They acnowledged this to me in the server as it happened.

This hacking and stalking is done so they can manipulate the target to pump and dump for them. Threating and Making victims wear head phones, so nobody in your household can hear thier dramitization towards you. In 2017 this server was sidemarked as a drama show for entertainment purposes only as en excuse to say whatever they want all the way down to killing a politician. They have a server side command called "hey asshole" making a promt come up instructing everyone to wear headphones. They want everyone wearing headphones so nobody in your vicinity can hear them mess with you. Fystikken says its because of "mic feedback" but once your a target you get exactly why they make eveyone wear headphones.

With headphones on they subliminally direct victims with very low suggestive whispers mixed into their radio shows music. Combine this with them being able to manipulate their own individual outputs sound volume, which they control on the server side, they can pick what individual people hear and what at any given time. They decide who you hear on the server and change the volume controls for them. They can make some really low or off for those trying to investigate. They control who hears what and know who is who.

This team will find absolutely everything they can about you prior to using thier sugjestive and threatning program. They Introduce pictures that mean something only to the target, inducing paranoia while they watch and listen thru all of your circumvented devices. They are very aware of what makes you tick. They know your work schedule and use it for work stalking along side of this. I received multiple threating letters to my work and home addressed to my screen name from this group.

Fyrstikken tells people to sell their houses to buy crypto then dumps it on them. He has done many pump and dump scams. Quatloo being one of the first I witnessed and was done multiple times thru 2016 and 2017 them. It should be investigated for fraud. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=655793.0



대여섯살 정도 되어 보이는데,
서서 그네 타는게 엄청 대단한거같은데요?

Posted using Partiko Android

ㅋㅋ 이제 두돌입니다 ㅋㅋ