Who knows more about you - whether you yourself or Facebook?

in #secret7 years ago

Facebook is the world's most widely used social network. At least once a month, 200 million people are stuck on their Facebook profile! And the number of logins per day is not even less, and the figure is 500 million and it continues to increase. Free mobile phone service to almost 30 percent of the world is really free?     After the disclosure of Edward Snowden's leaked information, almost everyone has come to know that online big companies are collecting information from users. And in the same way, the name of Google and Facebook is written in the big red ink. Facebook is collecting 500 terabytes of data from users every day, this means more than half a million HD Blu-ray print movies equal information! After all these questions have definitely stirred the question, "Is Facebook really safe to use?" After knowing more information about Facebook, you can find the answer to the question itself.

Facebook Data Center; Photo: Facebook Newsroom  Facial Recognition  

Whenever you upload a picture or a friend of you tags you in his picture, then that information reaches the huge database of Facebook's doorstep. Then Facebook's special Artificial Intelligence photo identifies it with different algorithms and identifies the person in the picture and adds them to your name. As a result, whenever you upload a photo, Facebook is adding photos of your full face to your database based on varying angle and differentiation of light in the photo. This Facebook Face Recognition software is incredibly 98%! Where Google has identified an African-American gorilla in its photo app!  There are reasons behind this incredible efficiency of Facebook. The reason is that Facebook does not have to compile the whole part of its huge database to do it. Your friends are tagged with pictures that you have tagged in or uploaded the photos you are uploading just by checking them out of Facebook.  So before tagging or uploading a picture in the next picture, remember that you are helping Facebook with a more recent picture.

Facial recognition algorithm; Photo: Peta Pixel  Place Hunter  You are using 

Facebook on mobile, that means you are also using Facebook Messenger app, is not it? At least without this software, chatting is a little bit intimidating. Did you know when using messenger that you sent your exact location with each message? [If GPS and share location is done]  A Indian-American programmer, Aron Khanna has created a little Chrome plugin to make a little fun with messages sent to his friends. From each message sent to each of his friends, he found out the way to the friends' movement by giving different inputs to his location. From this messenger's message, Facebook can detect latitude and longitude 5 digits after decimal, ie your movement can be understood from less than a meter!  Arna Khanna has taken out her specific position from the message she sent to her friends for a few weeks and surprisingly her friends have not been anywhere else except a fixed place. It may not be too dangerous for a friend to have this information, but if it is anyone who wants to harm you? Eventually, at the request of Facebook, Khanna removed her plugin from Chrome and Facebook also closed the location sharing extension from the desktop webpage. But who knows, you may still be unaware of your Facebook!

GPS tracking; Photo: NetCorpGPS  

Ideology and Facebook  After the victory of the Donald Trump election and the incident happened, people started blaming Facebook that the main reason behind the different 'Fake News Article'. It was not possible to predict the thoughts of people because of these news. As a result, Facebook became eager to remove these fake news from their communications. But these fake news is the real problem?  The answer is - no. Facebook wants you to use Facebook for a long time. That's why whenever you click on any one, Facebook is verified by sorting it out. The kind of content you like, the content of Facebook will bring you exactly the same. Suppose you are a leftist. Now you naturally share the like-comment-related content to the left-wing supporters. As a result, there will never be any right-wing content in your news feed. As a result, you might think that your team is winning in upcoming elections or any other competition!  Where Facebook's goal was to bring all people together in one place, to say that Facebook is pushing each other far away.

Today is one of the tools to enjoy, on Facebook, picture sources: Budapest Beacon

Not just your political ideology or religious ideology, but in all cases, your mindset-thinking has already been defined by Facebook. Let me say, I'm a football fan. So the information related to football in my news feed will be on top of my favorite list. So, Facebook likes to comment-related to various football related content, and understand how I can get hold on Facebook for a long time. As a result, by analyzing my data in the Facebook data archive, I will continue to increase my newsfood, meaning that the content will be coming down as much as I can!  Whatever your IQ or intellect borders or thinking power, Facebook can understand all of them with a little mouse click!

Echo Chamber; Photo: The Odyssey Online

Information sold  How much can your personal information cost? It is priceless to you, but not to others. But a blogger recently bought one million people's personal information in exchange for just $ 5 a mysterious company! Among those information was the URL of the Facebook URL for verification of your name, email and its authenticity.  Now how can these personal information be found in that mysterious company? Whenever you launch an app or a game, they already say that they are getting these information in return. Let's think, a link that suddenly appeared on your NewsFeed - "Who has most visited your profile?" Now when you click on that link, you will request all your Facebook profile information. You are very eager to know what you have visited on your profile and that is why you press the 'yes' button. As a result of this, all your personal information will go away to the third party who will not hesitate to sell your personal information in exchange for easy money!

Selling information for money; Photo source: Big Exchange

Not only the third party, many times Facebook itself sells your information. As a few days ago, MasterCard used to make people online, bought some information from Facebook and sold it to other banks! It is also based on your personal information that your Facebook page will suggest the suggestions of any page. Suppose, you love to history. Now, if any history related pages are boosted by their content on Facebook, they will first target people like you and see it as a sponsored page on your Newsfeed!  Not only Facebook, but with the help of many other means, you are constantly watching, knowing about your behavior, usage, or intelligence from your personal information. The more you increase your digital device, the more privacy is decreasing. Before starting, I asked, "Is Facebook really safe to use?" I hope you got the answer.