5 Signs of phone tapping

in #secure6 years ago

In Russia special services can listen to phones of subscribers with the help of so-called system SORM (System of technical means for maintenance of functions of searching actions). On the basis of the Law on communication, telecom operators are obliged to provide them with information about subscribers. But the calls to law enforcement agencies are allowed to be heard only by court decision.

However, now the opportunity to listen to phones is not only the special services. There are special spyware programs that are installed on mobile phones and allow other people, such as a competitor or a jealous spouse, to follow you. Parents who seek full control of their child can also use such programs.

What are the features of spyware?

The Spy software installed on your mobile phone can record phone calls and intercept SMS messages, and then send them to the correct address. It can also copy numbers from your contact list, share your phone's location, and even allow someone else to hear everything that's happening around you. This way, it turns your phone into a real bug.

In the corporate phone can be installed battery with a special chip, which also allows you to listen to conversations and transmit data.

How do I know if my phone has a spyware?
Usually such software does not show itself, it is quite difficult to detect. But there are certain signs that may indicate its presence.

  1. The phone is discharged too quickly
    A sign that a spyware is installed on the mobile phone can be a very fast discharge of the battery. Of course, the problem may be in the phone itself, especially if it is more than a year. However, it is worth checking it for spyware.

  2. You should also be alerted by the delay when turning off the phone, spontaneous reboot and turning on the backlight.

  3. Extraneous sounds in the phone
    If the phone is listening, during a conversation with another subscriber you can hear various extraneous sounds, noises and even other people's voices.

  4. Interference
    The reason for concern may be that the phone lying next to the audio speakers interferes when you do not use it. This may mean that the spyware program has contacted the other phone and, without your knowledge, passes the data to it.

  5. Connection with a person is set for a long time
    If you began to notice that when you call someone, the connection with the subscriber is set for a long time, and just as the disconnection began to take longer, this may also be a sign of wiretapping. This is explained by the fact that spyware requires some time to "wedge in" the conversation.

In this situation, it's best to show the phone to a specialist.