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RE: What is U2F? If You Use Text Messaging As Your Two Factor Authentication For Coinbase/Gmail, You Need To Read This Now

in #security7 years ago (edited)

I lost around 300 USD value on poloniex a week ago and no reply from them yet. I forgot to set up 2WF , took me a day to figure out how to do it and only with google authenticator. It's a good lesson and thanks god not that much. Thanks for your article. Need to learn more about this issue.


It's honestly going to take them forever to respond.. I'm 4 weeks into a pending ticket....

Wow ! That's crazy

Google authenticator is good, but it's not ultra secure.
You need to get a U2F physical key.

so you mean your account was hacked?
btw, it's U2F

Yes my poloniex account got hacked

omg! I don't know anyone whose account was hacked! And they hacked it for $300?

Yes ordered a withdrawl of BTC only. I didn't have much in it because I keep most in my exodus wallet. I use those amounts for fast trades. Anyways what surprises me that poloniex doesn't reply. I'm so over those exchanges.

I don't like's too big for my tastes.

I am out of there ....

Somebody, not me ordered a withdraw. No idea how this is even possible

It's all so complicated for "normal" old school people like me agrrrrrrr

well, we're the same just have to learn new things, that's all. If you watch these videos, you will realize it's easy to do.

Are you really 58 haha 😂 I am learning every day and my head dizzy but I manage

ok, i'm not....I thought you were my age!