This One Here Is For You @Sami100: "You Can Steal My Money But You Can't Take Away My Happiness!" || Be Careful Steemians And Protect Your Private Keys!!!

in #security6 years ago

My father would say now:

Mistakes either hurt or are expensive, hence they hurt anyways.

Today I made the most stupid mistake someone could ever make in the crypto world: I didn't look after my keys for a second and like that dared to lose everything I've built up on Steem since two years!

I was not fully concentrated when doing a couple of operations on the Steem blockchain at the same time. Without noticing it, I copy pasted my private active key into the wrong window and accidentally sent it to my own wallet.

Until then I had always wondered how people could be so careless making such mistakes. Now I know how easy they can actually occur!

Since there are not only good people on this planet, there was a bot who immediately detected the key in my wallet, and his owner transfered all the liquid Steem (SBD) I had to his own wallet then.

This one here is for Steemit, Inc - @ned, @andrarchy and team:

Just in case someone tried to initialize the recovery process for the account @surfermarly using a private active key during the next 30 days (thanks for the advice Jordan, @shenanigator!): That person won't be me, so please ignore any attemps right away. Thank you!

Thank you for the wake-up call, @sami100! I was stupid for 30 seconds and lost 18 SBD, but you'll be a criminal for the rest of your life.

This one's for you @sami100:

@surfermarly sending a lovely message to @sami100

Thanks for the lesson, @sami100!

It could have been worse.

Today I could've literally lost everything I've been working for during the past two years. For maxing out my own stupidity and not looking after the most valuable keys I possess for a second, I was about to hand over my Steem account to a beady-eyed bot.

Yes, I was as careless as someone could ever be. Yet, if you forget your purse on the restaurant's table and someone else takes it, there are still two options for the other person: keep the purse and become a criminal or give it back and become a great person.

@sami100 opted for becoming a criminal, and bad conscience will hopefully devour him slowly from the inside.

It's also not the first time that he did that - so we can definitely say that he didn't steal the money inadvertently.

If you look at his wallet and the last comments given on his blog posts, you'll quickly recognized that he doesn't do anything but waiting for other people's mistakes.

@sami100 voluntarily opted for being a criminal in life and steal money from other people's wallet instead of working for it by himself.

So here is my most valuable advice ever given to you, steemians:

Protect your private keys!

And you @sami100: Enjoy my 18 SBD! Karma is a bitch and you'll go to hell one day. Stay tuned for the show!

Life moves in circles and waves, we get what we give.

Thanks for your attention, steemians - and now go and review your password security!

Much love,
Marly -

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
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PS: Stay attentive and protect your assets.

Original content. Quote found on


Scammy fucks! Got to stay on your toes! Thanks for sharing and reminding everyone how careful we need to be to protect our hard earned resources. Here’s to a quick and prosperous recovery!

You're welcome @brettcalloway, and thank you for stopping by!
Today I feel a bit better, yesterday I was really angry. For someone who's never done anything bad to someone else it's hard to comprehend these type of actions... You can't explain them logically.

The positive: I'll never let my guard down again :-)

Thanks for the reminder @surfermarly - always important to remind that for everyone ongoing - will pay the nice sami100 a visit now- Glad you did not lose too much. In such times we as a community should stand together.

Thank you so much for your support, Uwe - here and on discord!!!
I was really upset for a couple of hours. Now I feel much better. It's been a rather low priced lesson in the end, so I was lucky after all.

No need to thank - i see this as normal supporting behaviour - enjoy the waves @surfermarly

Danke Dir (trotzdem) sehr :-)

hope your visit to scammer was to drop a flag...send that account to oblivian.

would make no sense and be simply a waste of steem power - check the account, a flag would not mean anything as the account is only used to steal - flag and kill this and a new one will be opened - assume this is one of many of the abuser.

Yes, I understand now, flags wouldn't help to stop the thefts, it might only reduce people seeing this account, but not the key stealing it is doing. You're probably right about th scammer having many accounts too, ready to do the same key stealing. It's a sad situation when SBD/STEEM is targeted for theft from our wallets.

What a shame! I never could understand how people live with such wicked and crooked minds, that they are only looking for the opportunity to steal something. It doesn't matter what: a chewing gum, a wallet or someones account! We had a guy like this in school, he stole some chocolates from the nearest shop and got caught for that, but he was a kid so they didn't do much. 6 years ago I was trying to get a taxi while being a bit drunk and the first car that stopped was driven by that guy! Next morning I didnt remember much< but I couldnt find my phone, it was Galaxy Note 1 one of the first fablet phones, which just came to the market, so was kinda expensive. I asked the guy if he saw it in his car, he refused. I was not sure whether he stole my phone or not and I lost the papers for it as well. One of my friends persuaded me to push on this guy and say I will call cops and tell them I was using it in his car last time. I was bluffing as I had no documents for the phone and wouldn't be able to prove its actually mine! And what do you think, som e guy brought me my phone the next day, and on the wallpaper was the photo of my classmate with his gf!!! He gave it to her as a "gift'!!!! Can you even imagine this? SO after this story, I dont believe that people like him ever change and despise thieves even more! I am glad you just lost a bit, I am sure you gonna be careful next time, but I dont understand why his account still exists, checking his wallet shows it's not his first time, and some people suffered much more!

What a story! So he even knew you personally, but that didn't stop him from stealing your phone and then giving it to his girlfriend? Amazing!

I think you're pretty right: these type of people never change. If they develop a criminal instinct, they'll never be able to get rid of it.

Technically the acount from @sami100 could be deleted from the blockchain through one of the next hardforks. Yet, as far as I know it's a political decision to not block any accounts since this would affect the dezentralized character of the platform. Until a certain degree I second that perspective, however in this case we're talking about a criminal that doesn't do anything on this blockchain than ripping off other users. So he's not even a contribution to the community, he's pain in the ass.

I guess the decentralized philosophy is great, unless it opens doors for abuse. We need tools to handle such situations and people. Just sitting and watching doesn't seem very contemporary to me.

He was my classmate! Studied 9 years in the same classroom!!! I think it should be voting or something to ban someone. On the other hand nothing will stop that guy from making a new account and start stealing again!

OMG - then it's even worse!

I have no idea if banning would be a possible solution. I just did a video about exactly that question - and some of the first answers given in the comments are really interesting. It's a tricky thing: On one hand you want decentralization / open doors / no barriers. But on the other hand you don't want to hang with assholes..

if there is something I can't stand is the scammers... but I'm super glad to see you are taking it like a champ!

in the end... fark the money, its not a token that dictates your attitude and specially 18 SBD..

And @sami100 who ever you are, life catches up to people like you... it eventually does, hopefully you will look back at these things and wonder how you could have been so blind.

Thanks for your kind words, @meno!

The amazing feedback received by you guys totally made my day. Really!
We need to stand together when these type of things happen, and today I learned once more: You may lose some money, but in the end you win thanks to the experience.

Thank you for being part of the positive second half of my day :-))

Unbelievable!! It always makes me sad that people like this exist on the blockchain. I thought we had left them behind in the old world.

But like you say, inexpensive lesson...

What happens with your exposed private key now, though? Can you change it?

Well I guess they're everywhere. Where there is a chance to cheat someone, there will be someone else trying.

I changed all my keys immediately after the happening, so the one in my wallet is absolutely useless now. The account is safe.

It's hard do comprehend such people, since we - the good ones - always act for the best. We would never even think about damaging someone else, it's not part of our self-concept. Yet, we need to deal with those who're sick, mad and evil.

Sticking together is a good start :-)
Thanks for coming over, Anja!!!

I use Vessel for that reason. I haven't dropped a key yet.

Good advice! Now I'm not sure if the desktop client could've helped me in that specific case. What actually happened was that I copy pasted my key into the field of smartsteem's vote buying tool where actually the article's URL belonged. So instead of sending the URL to smartmarket's wallet, I sent them my key. I've emailed @therealwolf, maybe we can prevent others from being as stupid as I was, implementing a tool that double checks the information provided in that field. So if it wasn't an URL (which is easy to check), then the operation wouldn't be done.

Again, it was 100% my fault to send the wrong data, yet some additional measures to protect people can't ever hurt I guess...:-)

Thanks for stopping by @aggroed!!

Thanks for explaining what you actually did @surfermarly. I was going to leave a comment and ask you to post a screenshot so I could understand it.

It's really helpful to know that you copied and pasted a key into the field where you should have put a URL.

I really hope smartmarket make the changes you suggest. It's not a big deal for them but a huge one for users.

Glad to hear it was only a small amount you lost. 😊

Whelp... im installing Vessel right this instance.

Money is an illusion and humanity is waking up!!!!!

lol - hope you'll get your DMD tokens back some day :-)

FYI the account recovery process can only be initiated with the owner key or password not the private key. As long as you changed your keys the damage is limited. Maybe you can find a silver lining from this experience. I hope you are doing well.

Oh that is awesome news, thank you!
Of course, I immediately changed the owner key. When I saw the movement in my wallet, my heart skipped a beat and I thought for a second that I was supposed to lose everything. Believe me, I'll never forget that moment, so: YES, this was indeed a great lesson.

Thanks for your support!! I'm feeling a bit better now, even though I'm still kind of shocked..

Ugh... what a douche canoe. Thanks for the reminder about security. It is so easy to get moving quickly and make mistakes. I once accidentally transferred over 400 SBD to someone when I meant to send 8. This was before they have a double check screen. I was very fortunate that the person promptly returned the money... but WOW what a lesson!

I read through a lot of the other transactions in this guys wallet, and he is obviously stealing from tons of people. I wish he had a more recent post I could flag.

Really sorry this happened to you Marly!! Thanks for sharing your story so that at least we can all have a reminder of how quickly things can go south.

Thank you so much for your kind words, @coruscate.
This was indeed a dark moment. Yet, I'm overwhelmed by the amazing feedback from the community, and that makes me almost forget what happened today's morning.

You were really lucky that the person sent the money back to you. I wish more people would show their human values when they're able to do so.

Again, thanks for stopping by and sharing your compassion, this means everthing to me :-)

Wow! Well that sucks!
Thanks for the info and Stay Safe!
...upvoted and resteemed

Yes it does. Yet, I'm glad it was a rather low priced lesson. Also this will hopefully serve as an eye-opener to many - and not only to myself :-)
Thanks for your support @acwood!