sWhat do you consider "ineffective socializing"?

in #seem6 months ago

Any social interaction that makes you feel like a waste of time is "ineffective social interaction." "Effectiveness" here can be understood as the positive impact and value that social interaction can bring. How to measure effectiveness depends entirely on personal values and subjective feelings. At this point, I prefer to follow the feeling, I think the ineffective social has the following categories: 1, make people feel tired of social sometimes participate in those seemingly very lofty social activities, you think you can broaden your vision and accumulate contacts. But the real situation is that you have to have an "endless" conversation with a stranger, while holding/maintaining your image, and constantly finding topics to deal with the situation, and the whole process makes you feel nervous. To put it bluntly, the circle you are trying to fit into is not suitable for you, and the end result is internal exhaustion
2, people do not feel involved in social activities now there are many kinds of community activities, sometimes due to the lack of experience of the organizers, activities or process Settings are poor, resulting in participants can not get a good experience. Or they are completely dominated by one or more parties and feel that it is difficult to fit in; Either there is a lack of live interaction, with many people not being given the opportunity to express their opinions or ideas and feeling ignored or consumed unilaterally.
3, people do not resonate social such as some changed taste of the class reunion, especially a large number of parties. Time has passed, everyone's values are not small differences, the topic of discussion is scattered and shallow, said is the surface of the pleasantries, the chat content is more on the scene, the scene seems to push the cup, hot and noisy, but in fact, with a dark poke and poke comparison, lack of sincere communication, naturally unable to resonate. In contrast, gathering with a small group of close friends is more enjoyable, and everyone can share real feelings and thoughts, so that you can experience deeper empathy and happiness.
4, let people do not have a sense of social there are some "pull tiger" professional/industry forums, you were holding the mentality of learning, hoping to get some professional knowledge or experience to share. However, when you participate in it, you will find that the content is not professional enough, even a little shoddy; Or there are some business cards exchanged in the field/in fact, but not much use, can not get real valuable information ~ all of the above is a waste of time, on the other hand, to sum up ~ an effective social should at least meet the emotional or cognitive needs of the participants, giving them the power to connect, resonate, gain and support.