Dopamine Fast a.k.a. Doing Nothing For a Day

in #self-improvement6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit!

Have you ever said to yourself: "Today I'm going to do nothing." Well, this is exactly what I plan to do, but it won't really be nothing - the only thing I'll allow myself to do this sunday is drink water and think - also logging my thoughts on paper.

Sounds crazy?

I thought so too when I clicked on this video:

Why do this ?

Because this will give me (and you if you join me) plenty of time to think about what you are putting of, what you are running away from, what you want to do further in this tiny slice of existence we call life. This will also give your dopamine receptors a pause so they become more sensitive, making it easier for you to find joy and motivation in everyday life. If you've heard of nofap, it's the same principle - but cranked up.

The Rules

This is actually quite hard - 24 hours of not doing anything pleasure related or that can stimulate your brain - no reading, no games, as little socialization as possible, no porn or masturbating, no eating ( shocker, right! we can live without food for quite some time) - basically you become one of those high altitude tibetan monks for one day. I won't even use my phone or turn on the PC tomorrow. I'll clean up my room, take a long walk and think about the hard questions I've been putting off.

Questions to ask yourself

  • Do I feel any discomfort today? (of course, besides horrible hunger)
    Identify the issues, be they physical or emotional.

  • Why do I feel this way?
    Take full responsibility, what is it that I can control about this feeling
    Identify the cause!

  • What can I do to fix this?
    What are two or three things that I can do starting tomorrow to fix this issue?
    Find solutions!

  • What would my life be like if I did NOT solve this issue?
    What if I didn't apply the solutions I found in the next five years?
    Assume the worst possible scenario and describe it in detail.

  • What would my life be like if I did apply these solutions for the next couple of years?
    Assume the best possible scenario, picture it and describe it in detail.

Give yourself time to answer these prompts. Write slowly and neatly, because you'll have a lot of time on your hands and the more mental effort you put into it, the more likely you are to act the next day.

Well then, dear reader - we'll talk again on monday, when I'll post te result of this little experiment.