What's self Improvement and why you should do it too.

Self improvement. Maybe you've heard about this concept or you haven't, but what it is in essence is bettering oneself.
Before we continue, to make things clear there are many ideas of what self improvement is exactly and my idea of self improvement is:

-Improving one's character
-Improving one's physique and health
-Improving one's financial situation
-Improving one's life balance/situation.

Basically improving every life aspect that you think needs improving.

So why should you want to do self improvement ?
Well there are many reasons, far too many to list in one article so I'll give my 7 main reasons to do self improvement.

1.You'll most likely be happier.

Self Improvement has brought me satisfaction with my life that keeps my mood up 24/7. I can say with certainty that there are many more happy days now that I'm improving myself compared to when I wasn't.

2.You'll be on a highway to your dreams.

Your dreams are your goals and to get to these goals you have to go through many obstacles. What you may not realize is that some of your actions or behaviors may be obstacles themselves.

3.You'll be healthier.

Improving your diet and activity level/lifestyle will improve your health, it's as simple as that.

4.You'll most likely be more effective and efficient.

Self Improvement promotes behaviors and mindsets that improve your work ethic and let you make better use of your time.

5.You'll have more money

Money is a powerful tool. A tool that if used correctly, can greatly improve your life.

6.If done correctly, You'll be your true self.

You won't be limited by shyness or introversion anymore. You'll be able to be yourself around anyone.

7.You'll reach your potential.

You will be the best you can be in every area of life as long as you allow yourself to be your best.

So that'll be it for this article. Please share your thoughts on it in the comments. I provide further reading/watching below for anyone who's interested in self improvement.

Charisma on command:

Psychology Today: