At the end of the day, what do you think is the most important thing as human beings?

in #selfdevelopment3 years ago

We are more connected than ever before. People can talk to each other in just a few seconds from almost any place in the world. I have video called a people from China, Philippines, USA in just a day, and you know what? THAT is AWESOME. You can actually learn from people from all over the place being in your own room, and for me, that is the best way to learn. Furthermore, we see how the different cultures that we have around the globe are not as different as usually we tended to think. We have the same basic needs, we love to dream big, to love, to live good lives, and to surround ourselves with people that truly love us. However, we usually tend to think that people that are slightly think a bit different than us wouldn't get us. There are different ways to treat people depending on which country you are (generally): in Hispanic and Latin countries, you can usually find more open and friendly people that love to talk and that can give you a great dose of positivity. On the other hand, if you go to Nordics countries, you may find more shy or quiet people that may be well educated people with great minds. In US you can find a lot of different personalities, maybe that's one of the main reasons why is called the freedom country. Asians could be more disciplined as well as hard-workers that tend to be the most different continents of all. Obviously, this assumptions are just a generalization of how we see other people in different regions of the world, but nonetheless, people can vary their character as they grow and usually travel different parts of the world. That is what makes traveling is so magic, because we are bewitched by the attractiveness of each region.

With that being said, imagine that you are 80-90 years old, and you are just viewing your life backwards... if a statue were to be built in your honor, what would you want to be remembered for?


I think not enough people are usually asking themselves this question, and that is why a lot of us lack of some defined purpose... you don't need to know it immediately, but the usual "dream" well all tend to have about becoming rich and famous, will turn out to be different once we ask this question. Do you want to change the world? Remembered for being a good person? The best business man ever? Or you just don't care about it?

The path of self-knowledge is not as easy as it seems, that is why we usually tend to ignore the fact of what we really want in life, and focus on winning a lot of money to buy things to feel fulfilled. No complaints about it, as anyone can do with their own money what they really want, but the question here is a bit deeper; is that what you really want?

Just thoughts to share, and I hope that you share yours too.