The Importance Of Having A Vision In Life

in #selflove2 years ago

There is nothing easier in life than just blindly following the crowd and not having to worry about whether the path you are on is right or wrong as it is already tested so many times by people before you that you can be almost sure that you will definitely achieve at least something if you stay on it. However, having your own vision which is unrelated to what others are doing has its own perks.

First of all, a vision gives you a purpose and makes all your efforts seem worthwhile to you because you are aware where exactly you are going with all that you are doing. Otherwise, you might be putting in a lot of effort but you will never realize how far you have come and how far you still have to go. That will eventually make you lose interest in your endeavor and at some point, you might give up. But when you have a definite vision, you seldom lose motivation. You always have a direction to move forward and a standard to measure your progress.

Secondly, when you have a vision, you try to find your own solutions whenever you are stuck somewhere. It makes you wiser every time and affects your personality in a very positive way. Your level of maturity rises and sense of responsibility improves. If you do not have a vision, you will seldom find the courage and urge to try and overcome your problems. You will see yourself blaming luck or other such factors most of the times because that is simply not what you really want to do.

Last but not the least, your vision makes you who you are and decides what you deserve in life. It gives you courage to not settle for less. When you know your true worth, you realize what you are capable of and where you truly belong. On the other hand, you miss a number of opportunities when you do not have a vision because you might just be following those who are not even half as talented as you. You can only imagine where your life might end up.

You live only once and this is your one and only chance to do what you really want to do. You can live in fear and continue to lead a life of mediocrity or you can learn to let go of secure paths and choose the kind of life you were born to live. The choice is yours!

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