What I always knew Steemit was capable of! Is it just my Google or am I on the first page on your Google too?

Four months ago I wrote about how I realized Steemit was valuable, I've been confident in this project 100% of the time since I created my account 8 months ago!
What's really beautiful is seeing how my link is right under the official site for Dash :')
Didn't think today could get any better!

Hi @tommycordero I tested this and it came up third on my google! Nice!
It looks like Google "knows" who is who and provides search resultats accordingly )
To make a real test we have to ask someone who was never connected with Steemit beforehand.
Yeah, I know they have this and that's why I'm asking others to try it. One can hope, right?
Well, we have to ask non-Steemians then )
I think for now this Google-popularity will be rather illusive, but that policy of providing steemit content for steemians at some point, when there's more people around, will start to provide "snowball effect".
Got a non Steemit user to check and:
Not bad ;)
Actually that was how I got on Steemit - random googling, found an interesting post published here and was curious what it's all about ...so we know that Google rating for Steemit posts is actually good )
It is a good point. I was wondering about that also @svamiva
Third on the first page? Right?
Hopefully not the 3rd page, nobody goes there :p
Yes! Third on the first page. I should have been more clear.
lol. nice
Seem to be coming up on the first one with this combination too: sell buy dash cash
Super happy about this!
That's awesome my friend. Way off subject of dash, but my ex-girlfriend's mom read a steemit post about her deceased husband by Google searching her husband.
in the second page of my Google search.
Oh well, I guess I have to keep writing.
try this one
thirds rule strategy