Be the light of the World

in #service7 years ago

What is light? Webster’s dictionary lists no less than fifteen definitions for the noun light. I prefer the simple “something that illuminates.” Just as turning on a light switch in a dark room will bathe the room in light, so providing an example of righteousness—and therefore being a light—can help to illuminate an increasingly dark world.

Every soul who walks the earth, wherever he lives, in whatever nation he may have been born, no matter whether he be in riches or in poverty, had at birth an endowment of that first light which is called the Light of Christ, the Spirit of Truth, or the Spirit of God—that universal light of intelligence with which every soul is blessed. [Quote from:]

Any one of us can do something to bringh light in the live of somebody, for example I have a friend in Philippine that live in a really bad condition and some time don't have money to feed the family, if I give her hundred euros I can help her for a mounth, maybe. A little sacrifice for me, a big help for her.

What if anybody that read this article would give her a little light? She could be soon be independent by buying a vehicle to work and a couple goats to make milk for example.

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