7 DAY BEER CHALLENGE #2: Blood With Your Beer Anyone?

Today I'm reviewing a beer with a strong flavour of baby seal's blood, not to mention blood tinged mother's milk.

My husband sneakily and contoversially brought home a bottle of Namibia's 'blood diamond' Windhoek Draft in a bottle that proudly proclaims it's origins, without conscience or care for the thousands of seals that they pay the traumatised local slave labour to club to death.


Images from The Seals of Nam website, their slogan:

The Seals of Nam is a global initiative to bring the stench of the Namibian seal massacre to the nostrils of an indignant world!!

THOUSANDS it's a great word if that's what you have in your Steemit wallet. But if that's the gallons of innocent blood you have on your hands, no amount of Steemit earnings will wipe that from your soul. If you don't believe me, or you think I'm exaggerating, just call on Old Google and you'll see, maybe a bit more than you expected, but there you have it...humanity at it's darkest.

But to try and follow the rules and spirit of the initiative created by @trumpman and delegated to me by @doomsdaychassis, I present to you a photograph of this infamous beer, popped willy nilly by many discerning beer drinkers throughout South Africa.


As a more light hearted aside, the buxom lass posing shamelessly next to the accursed bottle, happens to be the kitchen barmaid. It is her slightly deformed back that allows the inhabitants of the house to open the sealed bottles of beer.

Right! The tasting. The beer has a distinctly sorrowful taste, evident in the slightly metallic traces that linger on the tongue. Could also be the residue of the sharp blade used to thrash the hops. I made it through almost half the bottle without gagging, probably because I'm greedy. The cool glass of iced vodka afterwards definitely helped to soothe my raw throat. Salut!

In case you missed it yesterday, here are the rules of the challenge:

  1. You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days
  2. The beer must be something you have never tasted before
  3. You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it
  4. Nominate someone every day
  5. If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink!
  6. Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.
  7. NEW RULE tag @trumpman to give him recognition for his contest

I think I really managed to nail rule 3 this round, and I didn't even have to use any of the blurb from the online marketing shit!

Without further bloodshed, I now nominate @steeminganarchy because of the opportunities that are inherent in interpreting and adapting a campaign to best suit an ulterior/superior motive.


sounds like your seals need some american seals to come over. our seals are all NRA certified and have the right to bear arms