Seven Day Beer Challenge: Day 4 - Half Bastard Stout

in #sevendaybeerchallenge7 years ago (edited)

The Beer

Day 4 already? I think I should be in the 30 Day Beer Challenge.

Today I bring you Half Bastard Stout. This is another brew by Nickel Brook Brewing Co.


Wow, talk about froth! This picture was taken 10 minutes after I poured it. My hypothesis is that this beer is made with heavy water discharged from Chernobyl. I don't know this for a fact. Just sayin'.

The IBU comes in at 35 -- promising.

ABV is 4.5% -- sounds just about right for my taste.

This is the first beer I have reviewed that comes in a bottle. I have nothing against the taste of aluminum, but beer should not be in a can. It should be in a bottle or a keg. Good job Nickel Brook!

"A Miracle of Science"

Hmmm. It appears to be radioactive. I am undeterred. I am still going to try it.

"Brewed by Comrades."

Ok then. Should I be comforted by this?

"Our Half Bastard Stout might be light on alcohol content, but it's no dwarf when to comes to flavour, body and aroma. "

Look out Tyrion Lannister!

"Say 'Hello' to our little Bastard Friend!"


As mentioned, Half Bastard Stout is brewed by Nickel Brook Brewing in Burlington, Ontario. This beer has a big brother called Bolshevik Bastard Imperial Stout with 9% alcohol and an IBU of 70. My working theory is that this is spent motor oil from mothballed Soviet era tanks. I may buy some and try it out in my lawnmower or on the neighbour's dog (... but that's another post).

The Verdict

This one went down the drain. Bolsheviks should stick to vodka, in my humble opinion. Definitely, not my thing. In fairness to Nickel Brook, this may be a great stout. I just cannot drink it. Don't be hurt -- it's not you, it's me. This doesn't mean we are breaking up. I hope we can still be friends.

3 out of 10.

PS. Great bottle. If it wasn't for the bottle, I would give this a 1.



  • You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days.
  • The beer must be something you have never tasted before.
  • You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it.
  • Nominate someone every day.
  • If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink.
  • Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.


Thank You @trumpman for starting this challenge. You da man!

Thank You @churchboy for nominating me. I want to go to your church!

My Day 4 nominee for this challenge is @kpine. He is a mysterious fellow. I choose to believe @kpine loves beer and has just been waiting for someone to nominate him.

Need more info on the Half Bastard Stout? Check out Nickel Brook's full beer lineup here:

@opaulo ... hic


You really should be in a thirty day beer challenge. Here I was waiting for you to start whereas you are on your fourth day. Wait, has it been that long since I nominated you? :)

You're killing it. The name of the beer alone is worth something. Sorry to hear that it went down the drain.

I cannot tell a lie. I drank most of it. It's not that bad. I'll do almost anything for some laughs.

Thank you for nominating me. This is a lot of fun!

Yes it is. I can see you're enjoying yourself. All the best!

That's a bummer that it was a drain pour. Cheers to another day.

No worries. I sense that tomorrow's beer will rock.