
They are incredible, aren’t they? I just checked out some of your haiku posts for the first time. They’re great! It looks like you’ve found some nice niches to work in.

They are. Good for sitting and good for sleeping too.

Hey thanks for checking out my posts and for the kind words :) I'm kind of surprised my haiku posts are starting to get attention. It's a very small niche! But I'm happy about it, because I really love the small verses.

How long have you been in Japan and whereabouts do you live?

I’ve been here for eight years now. I’m up in Niigata and have spent most of that time here.

Haiku isn’t something that I’ve looked into at all since I’ve been here, but is something that I’ve always known about and was curious to know more about before coming here.

In Niigata! Snow country. We have a few Steemit guys up there. I've always wanted to visit, but haven't yet been able to make the time for the trip. You must like it up there, eh?

I've been in Aichi for about 15 years, and like you I spend most of my time here. I did travel a lot for a few years, but then I had kids and haven't moved much since. haha

Haiku is really a lovely verse. They pack so much meaning into so few words. I fully recommend looking into them. I try to post a translation of one I like every day

Yeah, kids tend to slow you down when it comes to traveling. I used to get around a fair bit too, but these days I tied to work and home.

I’ll try to keep up on your haiku translations.