Daily celestial challenge AGULU LAKE

Agulu lake is a special and beautiful lake situated in Nigeria. The lake takes its name from its loaction. Agulu is located in Aniocha Local Government Area, Anambra State. This lake is home to an estimated 400 crocodiles and turtles.
Fishing is not allowed on this lake and the crocodiles can't be killed because the crocodiles are sacred to the people.
Legends say that the crocodiles were instrumental in saving the people from enemies during the Nigeria Civil War. It is believed that these sacred crocodiles and turtles changed themselves into pretty ladies and lured the soldiers unaware into the lake where they drowned. At noon the crocodiles and the turtles comes to the banks of the lake to take sunlight.
The crocodiles are friendly and special. Tourists play with this special animal on their visit to this special lake.
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Agulu Lake offers tourist on excursion, boat rides and entertainment.

thanks to @sirknight for this opportunity.

reference: Google