I can't keep up with these things. I have a great
Street lamp/night shot from last Winter
During the rare snow here in Hotlanta
But it is too late now. Maybe I can
Remember next week. Upvoted
I can't keep up with these things. I have a great
Street lamp/night shot from last Winter
During the rare snow here in Hotlanta
But it is too late now. Maybe I can
Remember next week. Upvoted
I think it wouldn't matter which day of the week you post it!
I've got several irons in the fire (just walked in the door from
My MRI this morning) when I get time and if I can
Remember, I'll post it and tag you.
Thanks @melinda010100
I was only trying to make it easier for you!
I tagged you, but here it is for you to inspect at your leisure
Thanks for making it easy for me. You know I often miss mentions! I actually remember those pictures from when you took them- they must have impressed me then, too!
one of the definitions of spam, according to the steemit FAQ,
but since we were talking about it anyway, I suspected that
You wouldn't mind. Glad you like them and remembered.