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RE: Let's talk more about sex

in #sex8 years ago

Thank you for publishing this post and continuing the conversation on one of many "uncomfortable" topics. This is an incredibly important and relevant topic in today's society, especially as we see massive shifts in public acceptance towards non-hetero sexualities and the trans community. But the changes are experiencing growing pains, and we're seeing social wars between feminist extremist groups and traditional masculinists, philosophical arguments around political correctness, the legality of binary restrooms, more vocal campaigns against rape culture, sexual assault policies at universities, abortion laws, etc. These can all be mitigated by education, as you've noted, but that's a discussion for another post.

As for me, I wish my sex ed had included more discussion about STIs and their prevalence in Western societies (such as the 80-95% herpes afflication rate, *stats varying depending on what source you read). I also wish there was more discussion about abortion and backup birth control. I was lucky to have been brought up by parents who were (somewhat) comfortable with talking about the subject and were very open to us kids having boyfriends/girlfriends sleep over and enjoy healthy teenage relationships without feeling like we couldn't talk to them about the sexual aspect of it (we never did anyway, because we ourselves were shy).