What Simple Practises Can Tell Us About Romantic Relationships

Bear in mind that whatever practise a woman does a man approves. Whatever practise a man does a woman approves. Not everyone abides to these basic standards but in anthropology we tend to notice the rule rather than the exception.
Make up makes ones face look younger and healthier. In other words it is aimed so it can deceive men that the woman is not her current biological age. The eyeliner is made up so it can enhance the eyes. The bigger the eyes, the cuter one looks. Same thing applies when it comes to human babies. We are hard-programmed towards these cues.
Most clothing is worn so it can enhance the figure of the woman. Unless she is fat. If she wasn't she wouldn't be wearing garbage bag dresses. It is given emphasis on the body in order to induce sexual attraction.
Hair is aimed almost always blond. Again, much like with the make-up blond hair is mostly attributed to youth. Most newborns have blond hair and then later on the actual colour sets in. Men prefer blonds for this simple reason.
Lipstick is aimed towards making the lips look like an aroused vagina. For obvious reasons.
From these basic features we can deduct that women are aiming towards looking younger and younger so they can find a mate. Science also agrees. The younger the women the healthier the offspring. At 11-12 years old the woman can bear children.
Men want more power and control. Well, that's what women want as well but due to their physical status they use men to have it. If a man has tattoos or scars it is considered sexy since it demonstrate a rite of passage that also managed to survive. In other words, violence is desires since the strongest will most likely make it and be more suitable and healthy for the woman to mate with.
Money, cars and others symbols of wealth are also desired since it shows that he can be a caregiver and provide for the offspring. Age doesn't matter. In fact, it is much the opposite of what happens with women. Older men are sexier due to the provider status.
Women prefer men fighting because they want to choose the one that is going to be fitter. It is no wonder that both men and women are obsessed with making their bodies look appropriate for each one's roles. The man has to have the muscular, sexy, warrior type of body and the woman the slender but curvy one. Again, all aimed for procreation purposes. When physical fights are not in play, other kinds of fights take place (e.g intellectual or corporate).
Romantic relationships is about people ritualizing the act of fucking. What we call love is nothing more but the process before the dick enters the pussy. We have created a narrative around it because we want to hide how raw and animalistic we are. We created love so that we can separate ourselves from other animals. All in all, we are a bunch of apes with pedophelic tendencies that really want to fuck but are too cowards and hypocrites to admit it.
Actions speak louder than words — no matter what narrative, poem or story we come up with to hide from the truth

There're a lot of assumptions going on here. I'm assuming these are your opinions. Because these definitely do not reflect individuals in my life.
People aren't obsessed with making their bodies better. Otherwise everyone would have nice bodies. Obsession drives one to obtain something, an Olympian is obsessed, a bodybuilder is, average men and women. No.
Women prefer men fighting, hmm. My lady takes pride in the fact that I stay cool headed. Remaining calm until necessary is much more attractive then just throwing fists raging. This is simply my opinion.
The comments about makeup are just ludicrous. Yes, we're animals, yes we're using flashy things to attract mates just like any animal. I don't think makeup was created with the specific intentions you are mentioning. Lipstick for simulation of vagina lips, what?
The female portrait you paint gives a sense of dependency and manipulation of aesthetics. Of course some women do this, but the average amount of women don't even workout to produce supple bodies, and makeup becomes a joke because it looks like they're focusing on the wrong priorities for looking nice.
"Romantic relationships is about people ritualizing the act of fucking."
Have you felt love? The feeling. There is a heavy difference between fucking and making love. Many romantic relationships don't revolve around fucking. They revolve around caring for each other, communication, growing together. No wonder the divorce rate is so high, if everyone is ritualizing fucking, of course.
We created love to separate ourselves? We do just find with our egos on that. I don't understand how you get this idea. You can see love in nature. Love from the sun, for giving us warmth. Love from the apple tree for bearing us fruit. Love is a flower releasing a scent while being crushed. Love in the animal kingdom, many animals have mating traditions that go well above the "fucking" you talk about.
Male penguins will travel miles to a shoreline to pick out a pretty pebble specifically for their mate.
I believe this topic is extremely broad based on the fact Love is defined in many different ways, from many worlds that are all of our perspectives. You just defined your relationship with love, and I hope you find someone who makes you feel special.
You have a great brain, I can tell by your style, by the questions you must be asking for these post results. Thanks for the food for thought. Feel free to rip my opinion apart, as I did yours. I mean, men being all bout power right? Or is it the man within you who looks for power?
You should read the book the red queen, much of what kyriacos has stated is scientifically proven.
Much of scientific data is generalized using statistical theories. Science has proven many things, to later prove wrong. I'm not saying he's wrong. I'm simply showing that it is an extremely small scope. One of our most sound theories has been disproved within the past 300 years. We still hesitate on the big bang theory. We've been wrong about so many psychological experiments. Science has done a fair job of putting out some reliable data, but not all data put out by the savior science cannot be accepted effortlessly.
Maybe the majority of people are this way, all no. To categorize men vs women, well that isn't too logical in a day where there isn't a fine line for gender. Especially when biological dna does not reflect what kind of desires and intentions an individual has.
I love science, but they're not always right. Nobody is.
I suppose it's less 'men vs women' and more an awareness of the strategies people use in day to day life. I can go to a bar and prove many of these theories right. I hear what you're saying though - science is a bunch of theoretical models that are often only proven wrong when evidence comes along to do so. People still don't fully understand gravity - they can theorise about it but is there any evidence to support it? Getting a bit deep and moving on from lipstick there!
Haha, yeah but isn't that what we live for? Fun conversations man, exchanging of information and ideas; thats how beautiful things are created.
I agree fully! There are definitely people who do have manipulative incentives with their choices, especially when going out on the weekend. I don't think of it too often because it is outside my world. I use psychological manipulation, not physical or emotional.
Women can definitely be scary deceptive beings. The past can teach us that; talk to Montezuma.
Psychological manipulation - now there is a subject I could rant about.
Machiavellian shit. Creepy.
precisely. my fav book actually
Not many people I know have read it. I wish I had read it years ago. Currently on King, Warrior, Magician, Lover - more essential reading for men,
That looks fascinating. I'm interested.
Most are obsessing to make their bodies better. This is what fashion is all about.
Btw. You offered zero arguments.
I'm not trying to argue friend. Not that many are obsessed, the data is in front of our face every day. If they wanted better bodies, they'd just get one through good health and good life.
Your view is limited. It's a spectrum.
Very true indeed. The book The red queen is a very good overview of what you have just highlighted.
Not really. The biologically optimal age is around 20 to 25.
While some girls that age can, it is an utterly disgusting idea. An 11-year old girl is not woman. In some cases a girl that young could be able to become pregnant but not usually without considerable risks to the health of herself and the baby. She is a child herself and ill equipped to raise one properly. Even the babies of older teenagers (15-19) are at an elevated risk of low birth weight and perinatal death and an 11-year-old is not even a teenager, yet.
I know there are cultures that sanction the consummation of marriage at such a young age. That is savagery plain and simple.
Your arguments are sociological and psychological. Nature doesn't care about that. It had the wisdom of millions of years of evolution to be bothered by a glitch in the last couple of thousand years of human culture.
No, my arguments were medical and biological. The biological informs but does not dictate the sociological and the psychological.
Human males who are not fucked up are biologically programmed to sexually prefer women who are post-pubescent but early into their reproductive years. Normally developed heterosexual men want to most badly fuck those females who are fully developed sexually but have youthful characteristics such as clear, soft and wrinkle-free skin, firm shape and pert breasts etc. Most females become fully developed by the age of 16 or so and retain those characteristics until their mid twenties. This and pedophilia are completely different things.
What came to my mind while I was reading your post is work of bell hooks. She wrote, "Youth culture today is cynical about love. And that cynicism has come from their pervasive feeling that love cannot be found".
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What you have said here is indeed true. And it goes even deeper.
Such as makeup is also designed to make a woman look like she is in her ovulation cycle, which makes men think of sex. And when men think of sex, they literally get dumber. So, they are more easily manipulated.
However, there is more to love than just the cocktail your glands give you when there is a new sexual partner in your life. However, it is not the walking on air, can't eat feelings, so it is often rather ignored. But, it is the basis of a real relationship that lasts past the 6 month trial period.
Humans have long infancy and toddlerhood. A strong erotic bond or infatuation between man and woman normally lasts a considerably longer than until the next morning. That bond has a biological function: it keeps the man around long enough to ensure the survival of his helpless small children whose mother could not take care of them on her own. Infatuation is a perfectly normal biological response of our species. (It is amusing when people appeal to the animal kingdom to argue that one practice or another is "natural". The animal kingdom is marked with a mind-blowing variety of animals occupying vastly different ecological niches. Human nature is best deduced by watching humans and to some degree our closest cousins but with some reservations.)
Erotic love is transient, however, and as societal pressures have changed from enforcing lifelong marriage, we can observe that divorce has become commonplace. I think the average marriage that ends in divorce lasts about one decade give or take a couple of years. When erotic bond weakens with age and too much familiarity, many people choose to stay together nonetheless. That's because there is an emotion called attachment at play.
I think you used the wrong term there. Pedophilia is sexual desire directed at prepubescent children. Ephebophilia is the term you are (hopefully) looking after. I agree that it is perfectly normal to find a teenaged girl fully developed girl attractive on a purely physical level. I'm a middle-aged man and I'd find even the typical 17-year old too psychologically immature to consider having a relationship with.
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Communication is a key piece of healthy relationships. Healthy couples make time to check in with one another on a regular basis, great post friend.
good article @kyriacos I choose you