in #sex6 years ago


Homosexuality is one of the most important issues of recent years at a social, political and religious level. The homosexual liberation movements have taken their struggle to the whole western society and have achieved remarkable visibility of their demands, achieving important advances. The Pentecostal churches in Latin America, like most evangelical movements in general, have promoted a fervent resistance, identifying those movements as if they were the greatest threat to Christianity and even to civilization itself. That attitude does not seem to be questioned by the vast majority of Christian leaders, who every time they have an opportunity to address politicians or social media, have something to say about it, taking a militant stand against their demands.

The notion of Sodomism

The memory of the history of Sodom and Gomorrah is rooted in Christianity. In this, we are told that God destroys these cities because his sin was of such a level that he decides to judge them. The story relates that God sent his messengers to Lot in order to save his life, but while doing this, the inhabitants of Sodom tried to rape them, hence it has been understood that sodomism is synonymous with homosexuality. As a result, on many occasions it has been heard by unthinking Christians to say that if homosexual marriage were legalized, God will destroy us as he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Bible notes that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for sins other than the incident of Lot's messengers (which is much more related to a test of Lot's kindness, which attempted to save the messengers). The specific sins for which God destroyed Sodom appear several books later, in Ezekiel chapter 16: 49-50 saying:

"Behold, this was the wickedness of Sodom your sister: pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness had she and her daughters; and he did not strengthen the hand of the afflicted and the needy. And they were filled with pride, and they committed abomination before me, and when I saw it I took them away."

Interestingly, the same Christians who use the history of Sodom to oppose homosexuality have forgotten and ignored this passage, and have not reacted with that same passion to these sins, which are abundant problems in the world and which are in the hands of the political authorities.


Transverse homophobia and its shield

Homophobia, or aversion to homosexuals, is not a monopoly of some evangelical groups, not even Christians, but a problem that has characterized all Western society. While it is true that many institutions, political parties and ideologies today support the homosexual cause in its entirety, it is also true that twenty, fifteen or even ten years ago the vast majority of these seemed aberrant, its rejection being a cross-cutting issue. Thus, even in the ideological and political groups that today support the gay cause, as is the case of the "liberal left" groups, until a few years ago homosexuality was openly despised.

Why do I say this? Because what we try to prove is that, finally, in the process of transforming the totality of society from homophobia to tolerance, Christians have been left behind while others reflected and amended their mistakes. This has been able to hide its own homophobia behind the pair of biblical passages that only know how to point out as sin, without adequately reflecting on what that means. In effect, they consider homosexuality as a sin, as an incorrect decision, it is not the same as the hatred and aversion that they have been showing, nor enough basis for the persecution and denial of rights to those who do not harm anyone with their actions. Many Christian homophobic people hide their condition in a kind of search for holiness, however, the truth is that they do not react in that way to other sins, obsessing with them and elevating homosexuality to a category of "SUPER-SIN" ) .

Depoliticization, oversized Christian morality and little political theological reflection

The church has long ceased to fulfill its role at the political level, has ceased to be manifested in favor of the neighbor (Micah 6: 7-12), the helpless, the orphan, the widow and the foreigner (Isaiah 1: 13-17), has kept silent about war, hunger and violence (Proverbs 24:11), to confine and alienate themselves in their own internal problems, and keep silent in the face of social injustice (Amos 8: 4-7). The reasons for this exceed the purpose of this writing, but the truth is that the church has been depoliticized and kept quiet dramatically.

The result of this depoliticization has become a reduction of Christian morality to an ecclesiastical moral, pulpit, meeting, eminently internal and if it is social issues, depoliticization operates in reducing Christian morality to sins that do not hit political and economic power or status, and since there are very few Christian values ​​that point to something other than that, it ends up being reduced to the sexual, which is where the demands of homosexuals and women are in the first place.

We must add to this a little reflection on political theology, in which not only the Christian doctrine in relation to the State and the government in a democratic and global context is not approached in a reflective way, but also it is not understood what the Law is . In effect, the Law is a tool of social coexistence and peace of different human groups within a State, in which fit CHRISTIANS AND ATHEISTS, HOMOSEXUAL AND HETEROSEXUAL, RICH AND POOR. But we evangelicals look at it as if it were an "evangelistic" tool more. This has led to their behaving with totalitarian pretensions when talking about State and government policies, wanting to impose their convictions on the rest of society, without understanding that our values ​​at the legal level must be manifested in tools to obtain social peace and healthy coexistence.

Thus, the mixture of these factors degenerates in that many Christian leaders who are trying to enter the political environment (repoliticize us) end up doing so with a vision of atrophied and minimized Christian morality, in which they seem to reduce the Christian to the eminently sexual . That manifests itself in all its splendor in a lamentable concept called "valoric agenda". But the values ​​agenda is not necessarily about the values ​​of Jesus or the prophets at the political level, but about the Christian opposition to claims of sexual minorities, it is not immigration (Leviticus 24:22), poverty (Luke 6: 20-26), or of salaries (James 5: 1-6), it is only about what people do in their bed or do with their bodies.

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