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RE: Beginning porn with all the girls!! Steemit pornstar sex diary

in #sex7 years ago

Hi there. Didn't really know you could find insider look on xxx profession here, but seems like Steemit has no bounds. :D I'm all for sex and making money, but since you're working in pornography for some time can you tell me is there like an average age limit you are thinking about? When do you become, to quote Die Hard "too old for this shit"? Is it the same for girls and guys? Also you look totally different with and without make up. Do you decide about that or the producer? All my life porn has been just for fun, but from a professional point of view I guess it is an unkown world to me. In my country it's still a taboo and there's not much industry surrounding it. Anyway, nice post. I agree with the WHO WATCHES SOFTPORN anymore statement. HF! :D