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RE: Week 1 of the Sonic Groove Live Contest is Live! // Record your performance and use the tags #sonicgroove and #SGL to enter!

in #sgl5 years ago

Hello there, no worries at all happy to clarify.

So I went into some detail on this under the rule :

One entry per person per week.

So this is an easier one, basically we will not accept more than one entry. If you do submit more then one you will get a warning and if you continue your posts may be ignored altogether in the future.
We don't want people dressing up and posting under multiple account either, this is why we require the well lit video intro's (this has been an issue in other music contest's).
Also we do want to encourage people to do collaborations, however we will not be responsible for dolling out the winnings between all performers. If your entry is a collaboration and you do win it is up to you and the others you worked with to divvy up the proceeds.
We can suggest if you do want to do a collaboration with someone, try doing two or as many different recordings as needed so everyone can post their own unique entry that week. But again we will not be responsible for sending the money to multiple parties. The winnings will be sent to the author of the winning post, the rest is up to you all :D

  • So basically there is absolutely no issue with you doing a collaboration with your husband, he also has the right to upload a different performance that week as a separate post (just don't post the same performance from multiple accounts) - that way both of you have only entered once that week.

  • Only the person making the post has technically entered the contest this way, so bigger groups and bands could enter multiple entries just through different members personal accounts and still be valid - however it is important to know that if only one entry wins the winnings will be sent to the account that posted the entry and it is up to all those involved to sort out the distribution between all involved.

Hope this helps clarify things a little more and please feel free to ask any more questions you may have, I really hope you get the chance to join us this week and look forward to seeing any performances you may gift us with <3 :D