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RE: Shadow Photo Contest Round 27- Giant Shadows

in #shadowphoto6 years ago

My GIANT shadow entry lol

When I paste my image url in comment boxes
it auto adds this string - https : // steemitimages. com /0x0
to the address, this might be why some photos
come out much smaller. The 0x0 area is to add
your size like say 500x500 in that string. I removed
it here, but it will add it again when the url for
the photo is copied the next time.

Happy Shadow Day ❤

Good hint for people wanting to show the whole picture. And like a said, one really tall tall shadow.

Oh my, what long legs you have, Ms Giant! Thanks for entering! So if I grab the photo from the post, rather that the comments, it should work better?

Most welcome! :-)
I just tried copying and pasting the image url here from
above and it again adds the 0x0 http string to the pasted info.

Since I post from my phone, I have been doing screenshots. Do you think it will work OK if I go to everyone's original post? I'll try tomorrow.

Not sure what it looks like adding a screenshot
from the phone, but I'd imagine it will also auto
add that html to the string of code no matter
which way its done. I've been removing it when
I see it in front of a picture, less I want to set the
size, like for those huge circles I like doing lol

Here is a screenshot of your image from your original post. Because I am using esteem it changes it to an esteem url I don't see the string of code you are talking about it is all way beyond my understanding!
