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RE: International Arms Dealer: Politicians are Expensive Prostitutes

in #shadowworld7 years ago (edited)

That day is coming my friend. Just keep on course! The first step is awareness, we have to see the system for what it truly is...the second step is a world wide awakening through knowledge and self evaluation, i.e. breaking down the illusions of what it real vs. what is artificial. That includes what we "believe" in: government, god, money. You must dive under the ocean to see the entire iceberg, no one will understand cause and effect by just going about your daily routine: work, school, dropping the kids off at dance lessons, watching MSM... whatever. Empowerment comes through self knowledge, change comes through empowered selves linking together, like this blockchain.
I've begun a series of posts to help people realize the effects of our brainwashing and how deep it goes. We need to begin formulating solutions and sharing them freely. Ideas can go from a spark to an inferno...