
in #shamanism3 years ago

When you have a desire have a look at that desire and ask yourself: Is this desire something that I want in order to satisfy my egoic needs or is this a desire that is aligned with the highest truth for all.

Have a look and see if your desire is something that wants to fulfill a missing part of you. For example: 'I need a big house. If I get a big house then I'll be happy'- and there's nothing wrong with having a big house, it's wonderful if you have a big house or if you want that. But turn your attention around and have a look, actually what is that I'm feeling inside, where is this desire born from. And many times, you will find that is coming from a feeling of lack, a sensation of lack... something is missing, something is not here. And that is your Higher Self communicating to you that you're disconnected in a way - it's not possible really to be disconnected but you're experiencing disconnection from that which is the truth of your being. And that's why you are experiencing this feeling of lack, of emptiness. Do not seek to fulfill this in the outside, with substances, with materialism, with relationships.

Most of us are doing this most of the time, we are so drastically trying to avoid the pain and disconnection and lack within, that we are numbing ourselves like zombies.

We need to awaken out of this dream because we have a potential that is far greater, and in the moments we are looking at our phones and we're watching the TV and we're talking with someone or we're eating something or we're trying to get attention from our partner and grasping and grasping, we are doing that to not feel the pain of our separation.

The greatest gift that you can give to yourself, the most self-loving thing that you can do is to let yourself feel that pain and hold that pain in love. And as you hold that pain in love, when you become still, simply sit still, sit in silence, feel the pain, let yourself drop your attention into that pain, in your body. Surrender to it and even make a prayer, to be supported through that. Then you will experience what it feels to be whole, and that connection within is the only thing that can bring you lasting fulfilment.

Yes, if you get the big house it will make you happy for a short time but then you'll need something else. It's never enough. So, when you have a desire go to the root of this desire go to the source and find if it's really coming from a true place. Many of you do this with your relationships, you're seeking another person to make you whole. You don't need another person, you are already whole, you are a whole being, you're just experiencing yourself as not whole. And if you meet this inner feeling first and feel complete, and then you have a desire 'it would be nice for me to play with someone, to support someone else on their journey', then a beautiful friend will come into your life and you'll have a beautiful relationship where we're not dependent on each other, where the other person is not there to serve the needs of your inner pain.

Find out what is your highest passion, what is your highest excitement, what brings you joy and you act on that. Don't let the fears of your little mind, with these crazy ideas, hold you back. When a desire is a true desire it will ignite a power inside you, it's like a power switch is turned on and the more you act on this passion the brighter the light inside you gets and the more power it gets, the more momentum it gets, and you will be unstoppable.

Dan Motoc