Samsung Deletes Frightening Tweet Warning That Its Smart TVs Can Get Viruses

in #share2steem6 years ago

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Samsung Deletes Frightening Tweet Warning That Its Smart TVs Can Get Viruses

The internet of things, in which all of our gadgets are plugged into data connections, will bring some terrible downsides along with its conveniences. We were blessed with a reminder of this uneasy future this morning when Samsung’s Twitter account for customer support tweeted a guide to performing a security scan on your television. Then Samsung deleted the tweet.


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Everyone with at least a small knowledge of IoT will know all those devices are prone. I think the best thing to do is for those companies to constantly conduct security upgrades. The bitter truth about our lives now is the sudden occurrence of hacking

Posted using Partiko Android

IoT will bring us so many headaches that I don't think it is worth it in the long run. It's become another annoying buzzword.

Yeah, I can already picture many loses and pain, having a whole house hacked... That'll be so sad

Posted using Partiko Android