We Are Planning To Do These With Your Support

in #sharing7 years ago

Hello STEEMIANS.........

This is another call for support on behalf of the JOULESTEEM circuit and its acceptance at the mass level. We will be doing these in the near future as resources allow, using half of the the SBD gains from the JOULESTEEM circuit posts as shared to @lightingmacsteem:

  1. Fabricate small-sized low-power modules of the JOULESTEEM circuit to distribute to people around the world FREE OF CHARGE

  2. Embark on new areas of experimentations for the JOULESTEEM circuit such as water pumps using air and indoor lighting as applied to AQUAPONICS farming; a small scale proof of concept will also be setup for the world to see and replicate upon

  3. Setup a website for all relevant information as to the above approaches, thereby enhancing the ease of adoption for everybody

This is a huge endeavor that needs all of our help, and we are appealing to every STEEMIAN firstly, and to people worldwide to give this initiative the benefit of your doubt. This is a goodwill endeavor that aims to produce power in every home and apply such to produce food for self sustenance.

If you are a whale, you can delegate at least 6,000 USD worth of SP to @minnowminer while the minnows are all invited to fetch in with all your support thru upvotes and resteems. Make noise everyone, let this call for help reach the right persons that will act.

It may be high time to make our hearts warm to combat the coldness of the ice that will engulf this world in the near future. We at the @minnowminer initiative have already made the first move, we are willing.

All of our huge effort is needed, the Earth is too big to be changed by a lone man. Thank you.



The Earth is too big to be changed by a lone man.

Such an obvious truth and yet I've never seen it expressed so beautifully.

There are so many people who see the great need for changes in how we care for the earth and all her creatures.

Some who we may never hear about just working quietly in their own backyard to make it more eco-friendly for the indigenous creatures and birds that visit. Lovely for people creatures too.

While others are grouping together with common aims and adopting new lifestyles. I love reading articles from all the homesteaders here on Steemit now. Love how homesteaders and others living in isolation or remote areas can connect and learn from each other through Steemit.

And then there are people like @lightingmacsteem with initiatives that can support EVERYONE'S non-reliance on the grid and to do so need the support of other people.

I love lending what support I can to your endeavours and feel your projects will attract everything you need. Resteemed. 🦋

Thank you so much @allyinspirit; I really need the encouragements here. You will be my witness to the very intent I will have here once support from visionaries comes in.

I am not here for any money, I really hope all of you here are my neighbors haha. My life is but a simple daily happiness by being a family person, and this, my experimentations. The main reason I want people all over the world to help in this endeavor is because THIS IS FOR THEM, NOT FOR ME. Who will help firstly than the very people getting the benefits right?

Whatever I get from these SBD rewards I am even limiting myself even now; I will give this back to all citizens of this world after getting my kilo of rice and sardines daily, please remember these word of mine haha.

Again, thanks for your encouragements.

I will definitely remember your words, but I do hope that you can subsist on a diet with a much wider range of food than rice and sardines. 😊

Was reading this article by @katrina-ariel and all the comments today: SELF-CARE: Avoiding Burnout and Caring for Each Other indicating that so many people who are trying to do 'good things' are also seeing the need to take care of themselves, in the most fundamental ways.

While the idea of 'making money' may be attracting many people to Steemit, I think there are also many like yourself who genuinely have something of value to give to others ~ And to our beautiful planet. The 'money' aspect is secondary to what else can grow here. Having said that many still need 'money' for basic living requirements and if that is an outcome of our interactions here so much the better.

PS: The article by @lightingmacsteem today was chilling.

This very saying saying haunts me all my life @allyinspirit: "WITH IMMENSE POWER (KNOWLEDGE) COMES IMMENSE RESPONSIBILITY". If only you can understand that feeling of being able to CASH-IN on something that is already in your hand, and yet, because you knew the very depths of WHY and HOW it came to you in the first place, you always have to choose the hard way.

This is not for me, this is for ALL, that is why I am here now, blogging and hoping for same minds to appear.

There is this Bible phrase: "If one can not be trusted with small things, how much more for much bigger things?". I followed exactly the same principles in starting at this very early stage to distribute the SBD gains, because what I do here with small amounts I will do all the way, I do not care much really on these amounts as shared eventhough I can have my kilo of rice daily with it; I care more that people be aware of these approaches to #FreeEnergy and proceed on to using it to their own advantage.

Sorry if I go deep sometimes haha; I do not intend to it just goes with our conversation.


I hear you @minnowminer as I understand that what is given in this way is entrusted to you, not for personal gain but for the well being of a much wider circle of participants, communities and the world at large.

Ashley @ashleykalila has just used my first Creative Commons image in her post: Giving Back To The Community. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to name drop and nominate you as a Steemian who has inspired me.

Thank you so much @allyinspirit! I went over to the blog post and it has given me much encouragement. I can only repay with all truthfulness in these things I do and wanna do here.

On the other reply of yours, you seem to be worrisome on the word "sardines" as a diet haha. That is just to describe the "simple" way of life that my family and I live hihi, a kilo of rice and a can of sardines will mean a simple way of preparing our daily needs. We do eat lots of healthy foods here, so I will share what:

-(VCO ) Virgin Coconut Oil as daily supplements; we made it our way

-Moringga Powder; we mix said powder to every broth we prepare, even my coffee hehe; we also made said powder our own way

-Fishes and Fish Oils (for omega 3); very good for the heart

-Apple Cider vinegar mixed with the water we drink; I do small drops but in succession throughout the day, my wife does it 2x a day with a teaspoon in her glass of water; this is your "extreme cleaner" of clogged arteries

-Potatoes (much) and rice (a little); potatoes are much healtheir
-Eggs; very nutritious food on the face of the Earth hihi

Just remember to ewat less sugar, this one is the number one culprit here, together with non-organic MSG.


P.S. Seek out Dr Mandell on YOUTUBE, you will be amazed how so much crap are taught us as far as meds are concerned; this doctor is one that seeks only the good for all

Repayment with truth is a wonderful way. 😊

Glad to hear that you and your family have a really healthy diet. How do you make your own Moringa Powder. Do you have your own Moringa tree/s. I did buy some seeds but haven't planted them yet. So I still have to get the powder from the health food store. 😊

Hadn't heard of Dr Mandell, but just looked at one of his videos on best sleeping postures and learnt something new. Thanking you. 😊