Shary's Writing Prompt Contest #2 - The Great Escape!
Shary rubbed her eyes and stared at the ceiling of her bedroom. She winced as the loud scraping sounds continued across the floor upstairs. " What the hell are you doing at 3 AM!" Scary yelled at the ceiling.
The sounds stopped for a few seconds as if the scrapings were pondering a response. Suddenly as if it were giving her an answer, the scraping sounds continued. Shary shook her head and pulled her pillow over her red curls. This was getting ridiculous.
Ever since that blasted neighbour of hers had moved into 3C she hadn't had a decent night's sleep. Why for the love of mike did this person need to move her furniture around her bedroom at 3 AM every day? Shary needed to talk to this inconsiderate person before she lost her mind.
The next day Shary woke up early, and had her breakfast quietly, wondering how she was going to approach this crazy neighbour. She decided to go and wait for Miss 3C outside her door.
She got dressed for work and left her apartment, taking the stairs one flight up to the 3rd floor. As she stepped out of the stairwell she was shocked by what she saw.
Outside 3C stood a small woman hunched over what looked like a small hamster cage. She seemed to be talking to whatever was inside the cage
" Dimples, naughty dimples! escaping from your cage, running amok in the apartment! what am I to do with you?" she was saying over and over again.
"Hi, Miss?" said Shary softly, the woman jumped and turned around " Goodness Gracious! I didn't hear the elevator open, you gave me a fright" said the woman
" Sorry, I took the stairs" Shary explained " Is everything alright?" She asked the woman
" Yes... no... oh it's this blasted guinea pig" she finally said in exasperation " This is Dimples, the escape artiste/guinea pig!" she announced to the floor.
" Oh, he's ummm cute!" Shary finally said in response, so this was what she was doing early morning every day Shary thought to herself. She must have been looking for the escaped guinea pig!
Suddenly everything started to make a lot of sense. The poor woman looked tired, black rings under her sad blue eyes and Shary felt really bad for her because how horrible it must be to have to search for an escaped guinea pig every bloody morning?. She nodded and left for work.
At work Shary searched for a different type of hamster cage. She found one called the OVO which was perfect for such crazy little critters. "Try getting out of this little baby" she said excitedly to herself as she clicked BUY NOW and filled out the shipping information. She decided to send it straight to 3C with a note that said From your sleep-deprived neighbour in 2C
Two days later Shary was pretty sure the new cage had been delivered. She went to sleep humming a happy tune. When she awoke it was to a lovely sunrise with fluffy clouds in the sky. She puttered around happily knowing her plan had worked.
At 8AM there came a knock on her door, it was her Neigbour with a huge grin and a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. "Thank you so much for the present! It's perfect, he stayed in all night!" Said the happy woman " By the way my name is Andrea"
"You're welcome Andrea!" Shary said with a smile as she bit into the most delicious chocolate chip cookie she had ever eaten. The taste of accomplishment never tasted so good.