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RE: The art of Shitposting?

in #shitpost6 years ago

If I feel like heck I just need a break or something just taking way to long for me to get out I’ll toss up something sweet and short. A 50 word story or a short update. I’m also a nobody and I rather have a few blogs a week than just a single one or none at all. If I go missing for a week(s) working on a longer term post people tend to forget about you and move on when you’re a little nothing.

I get push back. People unfollow, stop auto upvoting, make a comment about it. It’s whatever in my eyes they can do what they choose. Even more so when that’s the only comment they have made on a blog in months of mine. Content that is different that’s not like everyone else takes a while in both going out and getting that fresh experience and creating it.

I can’t every day put out a 3k word blog with a dozen or more photos or screenshots. I can’t pour 10 hours into a single guide for a game daily. Sometimes gasp my content is less than 1k words with just a couple of photos or screenshots.

It would be soul crushing to try and every week to put in 60 hours into a single game playing it to boredom. Then create that amazing game review with 30 or more screenshots that’s 4k words long. Making other game reviews look like they took all their screenshots in first hour of game play and then wrote based on information they found off a site. Do I wish I had the energy to put out that kind of game review more often? I sure do. I tend to try and break something like that up over course of several weeks so I can enjoy other stuff.

Everyone wants to rush and get something out that same day well that great if your happy using press release screenshots and just write a review based on press releases with an hour of real in game time played.

End of the day I have varying amount of time put into a blog and effort. Some stuff could take me a week(s) to put together or longer. While other stuff just that day. Most days I just want get out and comment and enjoy other people’s content shit or not. Hard to do if your always working on that next “big one.”