is everything in english because i picked english
this is confussion so
We got exotic places but in english even tho rhis one guy
Said he spoke french or was french abd so on but they qll sooke english
Because as a streamer your getting the biggest marketvthen since his laiguage would be a limited area but english has a more broader audience which is it the widest range in aduince or colecting a viewrship
Which does sk yeah bt odd ass stuff
Im highly doubtful about the whole naking 1000 a month now
From wgat im seei g most are pulling in 1 dollar a month or 50 cents a year which .
Mostly the objective is pulling in yutd viewrs or fruends from other sites because nobodys really helping anybody helll a shit ton of posts 2 yewes old without a comment unlessthry also
The reply i hit commrnt and get a big sorry fkash so im assume its you cant comment on this pisf but this extemly small reply button all the way at the button of the next page so
This sitesexteemly basic abd nobody becoming rich from this site ..its to closed up qnd very caveman ish
can you #add #tags to a #post
Cool so