
Precisely! Times have changed - so should the legislation!

I just dont understand the need to shoot 600+ rounds per minute. You just need one bullet only to kill something. ONE!

Exactly! And the problem here is that there are way too many ARs that are out there, which makes it so much harder for any form of legislation to work :(

Sure thing. I'll gladly hand over my "Assault" rifle. Just let me know when you have convinced every criminal to turn in theirs. Oh and we need to dump cars, beer and cigs, they kill even more people than a fire arm.


We've got to start somewhere. Cars will soon be driven by robots, so no problems there and those who choose to poison themselves should be able to do so - just not on the governments dime for healthcare :P But from where I sit, I see a lot of criminals who end up shooting each other, but somehow the "legal" guns seem to be the ones ending up in the news, taking out innocent lives for reasons truly only known by the gunman? Does the false flag headline allude to a mentally ill teenager being operated by a bigger operation? conspiracy theory? Im not sure I quite understand.....wait, what did Trump do when we werent looking? HA. that was a joke. ill end this on a light note :)