Short Story: Nightmare

in #shortstory7 years ago (edited)

It was in the middle of the night,
when I just had finished fixing my bed.
So tired in all of the days work,
tired of waking up early, doing my chores,
tired of procastinating deadlines,
tired of listening to dejavus from my mom,
tired of my life.
As I turned off the lights and lay on my bed,
these thoughts kept on playing in my mind.
Like, what is my purpose?
What is the point of doing this and that?
Am I just a puppet of my mother?
or am I here on my own accord?
As the night grew deeper,
I was lost in these thoughts.
Suddenly, I heard a creaking sound.
I paused for a moment, thinking what it was,
and have come to realize that it was from our staircase leading to my room.
The creaking sound grew louder and louder, every step echoes in my room, every sound reverberates longer than the previous one.
"Son, Son, SON..." said a creepy voice in sync with every step.
An eary sound of darkness...
Chills run down my spine, goosebumps and the feeling of uneasiness lingered in my arms, sensing that I'm not alone in the room.
"SON!" screamed the creepy voice near my ear, at the same time its cold clammy hands strangled my neck. I can feel its breath near my face, but I can't see anything! Not the eyes nor its hands strangling my neck. Scared...I can't move...I can't even lift a single finger no matter how much I forced myself to escape from that encounter. It was like at every effort of breaking from those hands, the more pressure was applied on my neck...I was terrified.

Am I going to die? Is this the end of my pointless life?
Then I let it be. I prayed repeatedly as many times as I can. Slowly, the grip of its hands loosened up. It's like my prayers calmed this creature's hostility. Then, I woke up...realizing that my own hands are strangling me. It was I, who is limiting myself boundaries wherein I can actually go beyond.

Based on my real life experience when I had a "bangungot" (a filipino term for nightmares). I just added some flowery words and gave my own interpretation of it. Thanks for reading!

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