Through The Flames

Fire.The bank was on fire. The smell of gas heavy in the air. There was an explosion. As the marble ceiling caved in setting things on fire, Robert Black stumbled through it. Roberts lineage was made clear by his dirty blonde hair and teal eyes, something unnatural in a human. The expensive suit he wore was torn at the left arm and a vital crimson liquid poured from the wound onto the soot stained floor. Robert clutched the wound painfully and half-ran half-stumbled through the falling debris to the collapsing marble arch. As he arrived at the crumbling doorway, a faint plea reached his ears. Robert turned to see Peter half buried under the flaming rubble.
"Please!", Cried his brother.
A tear streaked through Robert's dirty face. In that moment a decision was made. one of self preservation. One that would have a lasting affect on Robert for years after.
"I'm sorry", he mumbled before hurling himself out of the damned structure. As Robert hit the floor, he whipped around to face the building,searching for a glimpse of his brother. All that remained was the crushed building. His brother's final grave.


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